16 March 2009 EuNPC, Bochum 0 Kaon Photoproduction Results from CLAS D. G. Ireland
1 “Missing” Baryon Resonances
2 Resonance Hunting… Mostly done with N scattering or photoproduction Missing resonances may decay through other channels Total Cross-sections + differential cross-sections + Partial Wave Analysis Cross section E (GeV ) P 33 N(1440)P 11 N(1520)D 13 N(1535)S 11 (1600)P 33
3 Meson Photoproduction Cross Sections
4 Evidence for new resonance? With D 13 Without D 13 Mart & Benhold, Phys. Rev. C (R) (1999)
5 Transversity Amplitudes b 1 = 1 / 2 [(S 1 + S 2 ) + i(N - D)] } } } } b 2 = 1 / 2 [(S 1 + S 2 ) - i(N - D)] b 3 = 1 / 2 [(S 1 - S 2 ) - i(N + D)] b 4 = 1 / 2 [(S 1 - S 2 ) + i(N + D)] N, S 1,S 2, D: Helicity Amplitudes
6 Experimental Observables
7 p →K Reaction Kinematics proton K+K+ Cross Section without target polarisation Hyperon is self-analysing
8 CEBAF at Jefferson Laboratory
10 Tagged Photons at CLAS E = E 0 – E’ Circular Polarisation: polarised electron beam, amorphous radiator Linear polarisation: Crystal (diamond) radiator
11 p →K Cross Section Measurements R. Bradford et al., Phys. Rev. C 73, (2006).
12 Recoil Polarisation proton K+K+ Hyperon is self-analysing
13 Recoil Polarisation (P) p→K Guidal, Laget, Vanderhaeghen GENT Kaon-MAID J. McNabb et al. (CLAS) Phys. Rev. C 69, (2004).
14 Beam-Recoil Double Polarisation (C x’,C z’ ) proton K+K+ Hyperon is self-analysing
15 Polarisation → fully polarised R. Bradford et al., Phys. Rev. C 75, (2007).
16 Photon Beam Asymmetry ( ) proton K+K+
17 Linear Polarisation analysis Photon Linear Polarisation Particle ID Thesis work of Craig Paterson (Glasgow)
18 p →K Photon Beam Asymmetry
19 p →K Photon Beam Asymmetry PRELIMINARY
20 p →K Photon Beam Asymmetry PRELIMINARY
21 Beam-Recoil Double Polarisation ( x,O z ) proton K+K+
22 p →K Extracting O x and O z
23 p →K Beam-Recoil O x and O z O x PRELIMINARY O z PRELIMINARY
24 Experimental Observables
25 Outlook – Deuterium Target Data taking completed Currently being analysed Data on quasifree neutron and proton Circular and Linear Polarisation
26 Outlook – FROzen Spin Target (FROST) Target can be longitudinally or transversely polarised “Complete” measurement possible First part of run complete Undergoing calibration Second period to run soon…
27 Conclusions Kaon Photoproduction results from CLAS: Published results: , P, C x, C z Preliminary results: , T, O x, O z In the near future: Same set of results for 2 H target (quasifree neutron and proton) “Complete” results (FROST) Next few years: Complete set on 2 H and p (HDIce)
28 Backup Slides…
29 Resonances in Quark Models
30 Kaon Photoproduction
31 Contributing Processes + channel coupling…
32 Helicity Amplitudes N No overall helicity flip = | – p | } S 1 Single helicity flip } S 2 Single helicity flip } D Double helicity flip }
33 Cross Section Measurements R. Bradford et al., Phys. Rev. C 73, (2006).
34 Cross Section Measurements R. Bradford et al., Phys. Rev. C 73, (2006).
35 Cross Section Measurements R. Bradford et al., Phys. Rev. C 73, (2006).
36 Beam-Recoil Double Polarisation C z R. Bradford et al., Phys. Rev. C 75, (2007). Saclay, Argonne, Pittsburgh Bonn, Giessen, Gatchina Kaon-MAID Regge+Resonance GENT Shklyar Lenske Mosel
37 Beam-Recoil Double Polarisation C xGENT Saclay, Argonne, Pittsburgh Bonn, Giessen, Gatchina Kaon-MAID Regge+Resonance Shklyar Lenske Mosel R. Bradford et al., Phys. Rev. C 75, (2007).
38 Photon Beam Asymmetry
39 Photon Beam Asymmetry PRELIMINARY
40 Photon Beam Asymmetry PRELIMINARY
41 Recoil - Comparison g8b Prev CLAS GRAAL ~Factor of 4 increase in statistics from best previous measurements PRELIMINARY