Review of Section L – Maintenance and Operational Planning A Presentation to the Transmission Workstream – November 2005 Steve Gordon, ScottishPower Energy Management Limited
Overview Relevant changes since 1996 What Hasn’t Changed much? Time for a review? Current Mod NG response and proposed mod Other Issues for Consideration
Changes To the Market Advent of competition Growth of the CCGT market Increase in the number of directly connected sites to NTS Advent of NETA then BETTA DN Sales & diversity of ownership of transportation network Closer alignment of the gas and electricity regimes Move towards import dependency and a requirement for demand-side response.
What Hasn’t Changed Much during that time? NExAs – specifying information about offtake rates, notice periods and planned maintenance Section L!
Time for a Review? Yes
Mod 060 Discussed with NGT and sent to consultation on 20 th October Main Aims: –Ensure that information is provided to maintenance affected points in the spirit of the intent of the code. –Ensure confidentiality of that information.
NGT Initiative Earlier publication of information on system affected points Early confirmation of window Earlier confirmation of exact dates New mod (discussed today) codifies this approach
Other Issues Distribution and Transmission Maintenance Programmes Classification/Categorisation of Different Types of Works Publication of Inspection Programme Information Incentivising an Efficient Maintenance Programme