Mitsubishi Electric Guide to Part L & European Legislation Affecting Use of Heat Pumps Presented by: COPYRIGHT © 2012 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Conservation of fuel and power New build and refurbishment Updated since 2002 New version came into force April 2014 Part L (2013) Background to Part L
Changes less significant than expected Important developments none the less Changes to calculations More flexible approach to achieving compliance The latest version of Part L
New homes – 6% reduction in CO 2 against 2010 targets Entire build mix of dwellings New non-dwellings – 9% reduction in CO 2 against 2010 targets Depends on building type and use What are the carbon targets?
Non-domestic buildings: carbon emissions targets Distribution warehouse 4% Deep-plan office with air conditioning12% Retail warehouse 8% Shallow-plan office13% Hotel12% School 9% Small warehouse 3% Aggregate across build mix 9%
Government has made a strong commitment to zero carbon homes EU requires zero energy buildings from 2019 Not the same thing Part L 2013 is an attempt to balance both requirements Zero carbon or zero energy?
Rules on achieving compliance changed Emphasis on cost-effectiveness of methods One in; two out Striking a balance Balancing legislation with cost
Prescribed method Different for homes and non-dwellings Greater emphasis on value for money Need to show energy efficiency as well as carbon reduction Showing compliance with Part L
Standard Assessment Procedure SAP Target Fabric Energy Efficiency TFEE SAP compares new dwelling against a notional dwelling New dwelling must match or better notional performance Compliance – homes (dwellings)
Must hit Target Emission Rate (TER) – CO 2 And the new TFEE – maximum limit on energy needed Focused on fabric performance SAP = 15% margin added (but reducing) Targets to hit – homes (dwellings)
Mix of elements Notional building is a compliant building BUT designers and developers have choices Cannot offset poor fabric performance with renewables The elemental recipe
Fabric standards (TFEE) do not apply Changes to minimum standards of building services equipment Target Emission Rate (TER) must include cost/benefit analysis Compliance – non-dwellings
Number of tools for calculating compliance available SBEM developed by BRE is one of them Updated to allow for changes to Part L 2013 Method for adding new technology – reflects SAP Appendix Q Compliance – non-dwellings
You must consider: Decentralised energy supply systems based on energy from renewable systems Cogeneration District heating, particularly when based on renewable sources Heat pumps (air, water or ground-source) Low carbon technologies – a new obligation
Section 9 Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide Covers ground, water & air source heat pumps CE marking required Targets need to be met Heat pumps
Compliance Guidance Must also comply with EU directives as implemented in the UK Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC Energy-related products Beyond Part L
Energy Labelling Directive 2010/30/EU A++ to G Heat pumps – ErP Lot 1,2 and 10 Must carry label from 2015 – A+ and better All heat generator labels will look the SAME Easier to judge comparative efficiency Energy Labelling
Renewable Energy Sources Directive RES 2009/28/EC Promotes energy from renewables Mandatory target of 15% by 2020 Criteria for training and certification of installers of renewables Also specifies standards for heat pump performance If heat pump does not comply it is not ‘renewable’ Renewable Energy Sources Directive
Promotion of energy efficiency Reduce primary energy consumption by 20% by 2020 Due to be published in June 2014 in the UK Public authorities obliged to buy energy efficient products, services & buildings Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
A lot of changes on the way Important to keep up to date Check out the Mitsubishi Electric website Also sources of information listed in the CPD Guide itself Keep up to date
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