Navigation I
Maps, Scale and Distance Nav 1_1: Maps, Scale and Distance
Learning Intention: To familiarise you with the main features of an Ordnance Survey map.
Success Criteria: By the end of this session everyone should be able to: • Explain the purpose of a map; • Describe the basic layout and features of an Ordnance Survey map; • Show which way is North on an OS Map; • Calculate distances on a 1:50 000 OS map. Some of you may be able to: • Describe the difference between True North, Grid North and Magnetic North.
Activities: Brainstorm: What is a map? Introduction to the 1:50k Landranger Scale & Calculating Distances
Nav 1_2: OS Map Symbols
Learning Intention: To familiarise you with the main OS map symbols relevant to mountain navigation.
Success Criteria: By the end of this session everyone should be able to: • Locate and use the key panel on an OS map; • Identify 12-24 OS map symbols relevant to mountain navigation. Some of you may be able to: • Identify 25+ OS map symbols relevant to mountain navigation.
Activities: Presentation. What are map symbols for? Symbol Recognition Feedback & Key Points
Nav 1_3: Grid References
Learning Intention: To enable you to use 6-figure grid references to locate and give the location of features on an OS map.
Success Criteria: By the end of this session everyone should be able to: • Locate a point on an OS map using a 6-figure grip reference; • Give the location of a point on an OS map using a 6-figure grid reference. Some of you may be able to: • Explain the OS National Grid system and find the 2-letter code for a map section.
Activities: Presentation: Grid References. Group task, Handbook p. 21 Feedback & Key Points
Nav 1_4: Contours
Learning Intention: To enable you to understand and interpret contour lines on an OS map.
Success Criteria: By the end of this session everyone should be able to: • Identify and state the purpose of contour lines on an OS map; • Use contour lines to calculate the height of any given point. Some of you may be able to: • Interpret the profile of a contoured feature and identify common geographical features from their contours/profiles.
Activities: Presentation/Discussion: Hills of Braemar Calculating Heights Contour Interpretation
Nav 1_5: Basic Compass Skills
Learning Intention: To enable you to use a Silva Mk 4 compass to aid map navigation.
Success Criteria: By the end of this session everyone should be able to: • Describe the key features of a Silva Mk. 4 compass; • Use a compass to set a map to Magnetic North. Some of you may be able to: • Describe common problems when using a compass.
Activities: IMPORTANT REMINDER Presentation: Key Features of the Silva Mk. 4 Compass Practical: Which way is North? Practical: Setting a map
Nav 1_6: Assessment
Learning Intention: To enable you to demonstrate your competence in basic map & compass skills.
Success Criteria: By the end of this session everyone MUST be able to: • Use a compass to set a map to Magnetic North; • Locate a point on an OS map using a 6-figure grid reference; • Give the location of a point on an OS map using a 6-figure grid reference; • Use your understanding of maps, symbols and contours to describe a route between two points on an OS map.
Activities: Instructions Individual Task Group Task