Suffolk LA: Health Safeguarding Contacts (nov 2013) NHS England Area Team Sarah Robinson (Suffolk lead) 011382 55017 CCG Safeguarding.


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Presentation transcript:

Suffolk LA: Health Safeguarding Contacts (nov 2013) NHS England Area Team Sarah Robinson (Suffolk lead) CCG Safeguarding Team Chief Nurse: Barbara McLean Child team: Designated Doctors for children (jobshare)Nikki Rycroft & Peter Powell Designated nurse (LAC) Abigail Scully Designated nurse (Safeguarding) Cindie Dunkling Designated Nurse Jane Black covering Waveney for Great Yarmouth & Waveney CCG Designated Doctor Sue Zeitlin covering Waveney for Great Yarmouth & Waveney CCG Lead GP for Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG Lead GP for West Suffolk CCG is Adult lead: Primary Care Specialist Commissioning Group Health and Justice Acute Services Community mental health services Community Services NHS England commissions CCGs Commission e.g. GPs, Pharmacy, Optometrists, dentists e.g. Prison Healthcare Forensic Medical Examinations Essentially Low & Medium secure bed- based services for children & adults with MH &/or LD. Also bed-based eating disorder services, personality disorder services. mother & baby units, and adult gender dysphoria services West Suffolk Hospital: Adult Safeguarding lead Jayne Holmes Named nurse children: Lisa Sarson Named doctor: Ian Evans Ipswich Hospital: Lead nurse adults: Julie Sadler Named Nurse Children: Fiona Green NSFT: Trust safeguarding Named Nurse EAST COAST COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE: adult lead walter.lloyd- and Named Nurse Children: Ali Jennings Suffolk Community health care:walter.lloyd- Adult Lead: Marilyn Named Nurse Children: Fiona Green +Suffolk lead commissioner for East of England Ambulance trust (Anneliese.Hillyer- specialist and named professional for child & adult)Anneliese.Hillyer- Suffolk County Council (Health): adult lead: Paula Youell Child Lead: Geraldine Sewell

Suffolk LA: Health Safeguarding Contacts (November 2013) NHS England Area Team Sarah Robinson (Suffolk lead) CCG Safeguarding Team Chief Nurse: Barbara McLean Child team: Designated Doctors for Children (jobshare) Nikki Rycroft & Peter Powell Designated Nurse (LAC) Abigail Scully Designated Nurse (Safeguarding) Cindie Dunkling Designated Nurse (covering Waveney for Great Yarmouth & Waveney CCG) Jane Black Designated Doctor (covering Waveney for Great Yarmouth & Waveney CCG) Sue Zeitlin Lead GP for Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG Dr Ben Solway Lead GP for West Suffolk CCG Dr Sandra Weston Adult team: Adult lead Susie Barker: Primary Care Specialist Commissioning Group Acute Services Community mental health services Community Services NHS England Commissions: CCGs Commission: e.g. GPs, Pharmacy, Optometrists, dentists e.g. Prison Healthcare, Forensic Medical Examinations Essentially Low & Medium secure bed-based services for children & adults with MH &/or LD. Also bed-based eating disorder services, personality disorder services. mother & baby units, and adult gender dysphoria services West Suffolk Hospital: Adult Safeguarding Lead: Jayne Holmes Named Nurse, Children: Lisa Sarson Named Doctor: Ian Evans Ipswich Hospital: Lead Nurse, Adults: Julie Sadler Named Nurse, Children: Fiona Green Norfolk & Suffolk Foundation NHS Trust: Trust Safeguarding Named Nurse: Saranna Burgess East Coast Community Healthcare: Adult Lead: Walter Lloyd-Smith: Named Nurse Children: Ali Jennings Suffolk Community Health Adult Lead: Marilyn Harvey Named Nurse Children: Fiona Green Suffolk lead commissioner for East of England Ambulance trust: Specialist and named professional for child and adult Suffolk County Council (Health): Adult Lead: Paula Youell Child Lead: Geraldine Sewell Ambulance Services Health & Justice