Improving the Quality and Take-Up of Personal Budgets and Direct Payments: ADASS West Midlands Personalisation Project “Agreeing the Challenge” LA Champions Workshop 13 th June 2013
Workshop Objectives Develop a common understanding Validate the baseline, issues & barriers Prioritise the work of the Project Develop the project’s Performance Model
Workshop Plan Objectives for today About the Project Performance Baseline Issues, Barriers & Improvement Priorities Making it Real Plans Measuring Performance What Next?
Context Perceived under-performance against national benchmarks – PB uptake Determination to ensure that PBs and DPs have a positive impact on people (quality of life) Low level of commitment to Making it Real Need to demonstrate that the sector is able to fix its own problems (Sector led improvement)
Project Approach AssessImproveSustain Performance Baseline – uptake & quality Performance measurement approaches Issues & Barriers Good Practice Making it Real sign-up status & plans Priorities for Improvement Turning the priorities into actions Research Twinning & Peer Support Networks Local Improvement Pilots MIR Support Evaluation Benefits Management arrangements Operational Ownership to embed Pilots Ongoing peer support Sector Led Improvement
Your Role? Project Support local improve ments Operational Teams in LAs Make changes Deliver local improvements Enable better outcomes
Your Role Project Support local improve ments Operational Teams in LAs Make changes Deliver local improvements Enable better outcomes Champions Understand Inform Liaise Influence Shape Test Assure Promote Share
Issues Is it bad numbers or poor practice? How do we compare with others? “Helped to Live at Home” legacy Counting and Definitions Different interpretations across the region – What’s included? What’s not? – Original 100% PB target – Revised target of 70%
What should be “in”??? “Only services provided as the result of a Community Care Assessment (carried out under section 47 of the NHS and Community Care Act 1990) should be included in RAP” Excludes: – Services at point of contact (e.g. equipment) – Reablement (pre CCA) – Self-funded signposted services e.g. meals
Performance Baseline
ZBR will make it clearer Changes in Differentiates between Short and Long-Term Services Clearer what would be eligible for PB
Performance Baseline
Issues & Barriers
Improvement Priorities Describe the Issue / BarrierThis is an issue for (LA Names):Is an area of strength for (LA Name):Would like to participate in a support project (LA Name):
Making it Real Progress since Project Launch: 3 more LAs have signed up to MIR and 1 has completed its Shared Learning Key Considerations: Does your LA understand what’s involved? What would help move your LA from its current position?
Steps RequiredNotes Register your organisation & name of organisation Lead "We are getting ready to Make a Declaration" Make a board level declaration Confirm that your organisation supports the move towards Making it Real. Ensure that the declaration is co-produced with people who use services and carers. Making it Real 'I' statements Internally identify, through discussions with people who use services, carers and citizens* and your local workforce, where your organisation is in relation to the Making it Real 'I' statements Develop a Making it Real action plan Identify the gaps and challenges your organisation will need to address, to support the outcomes identified in Making it Real. Develop a Making it Real action plan confirming what actions your organisation has agreed to take. Share your action plan Share your action plan publicly through your local websites and communication networks or on this website Identify 3 priority areas On the basis of your Making it Real action plan, identify 3 priority areas you will share via the TLAP website. Add the 3 Making it Real priority areasAdd the 3 Making it Real priority areas to the TLAP website Download the TLAP Making it Real kitemark Display the TLAP Making it Real kitemark Display the TLAP Making it Real kitemark on your local websites to confirm you are part of Making it Real Put a report on your local website After 6 months, put a report on your local website to confirm how much progress you have made against your Making it Real action plan. Identify what still needs to be done and how this will be achieved. Upload an update Upload an update on how much progress you have made against your top 3 priorities Upload a short summary of a successful initiative Upload a short summary of a successful initiative which others can learn from Repeat these steps every 6 months For more detailed guidance see TLAP Website *It is important that people who use services, carers and citizens co-produce each stage of Making it Real action plans and that co-production is visibly demonstrated in reports provided.
How should we Measure “Performance”? ASCOF measure is not telling the proper story – Too much ‘noise’ from non-eligible services Local indicator is nearer to the truth (?) – Based on eligible services – Still wide variation – counting or practice? – Some councils at/near 100%
What does “Good” look like? What is a Personal Budget? – Statement of value of care package? – RAS allocation? When is a PB not a PB? – Not self-directed? – “Council-managed” What is the ‘added value’ for service users? How can we measure “Success”?
“Making it Real” Self-Assessment TASC Domains
Comparison of TLAP strengths
MIR self-assessment Strengths: – Consistent: comparison to earlier baseline exercise – Recognised (and promoted) by TLAP – Can be used selectively (2 or 3 domains) Weaknesses – Subjective – based on opinion – No ‘hard’ numbers – Where is the Service User voice?
How? What is the best way to represent achievement? Are there better measures that we can capture effectively? Do we need case-level research? Your ideas, please!
Workshop Objectives Develop a common understanding Validate the baseline, issues & barriers Prioritise the work of the Project Develop the project’s Performance Model
What’s Next? Present priorities list and performance model to project board for approval Confirm and mobilise agreed improvement projects Follow-up event in Autumn (Sept / Oct) to discuss progress & share learning Slides & outputs from today will be posted to: