The Adult UK sight loss pathway and the role of the local society Jenny Pearce Chair of VISION 2020 Rehab and Low Vision Group and Trustee of Thomas Pocklington Trust
What the presentation will cover Introduction The Adult UK sight loss pathway Problems with services The role of the local society Achieving a partnership approach Summary
What do people with sight loss need? Support to be able to enjoy independent lives in their community Clear, seamless pathway towards early interventions, across health & social care Professionals who recognise sight loss & understand its impact Emotional support as well as medical interventions – to be listened to and heard Excellent communication across professional boundaries
Issues and opportunities Sight loss often overlooked by professionals, & under-reported by individuals – invisible disability; but… At least 50% of sight loss is avoidable …even when it is recognised, early interventions may not be available Local societies can listen to and champion the rights and needs of people with sight loss and challenge commissioners or providers Working together we achieve much more than working alone
The Adult UK sight loss pathway A UK Vision Strategy initiative Best practice model for all UK Early interventions to address presenting needs Visual Impairment Rehabilitation and reablement clearly identified as early interventions Community Care Assessment only if needs still outstanding, to determine eligibility for services Ideal process map for ‘Seeing it My Way’ outcomes framework Highlights role of specialist professional interventions
Problems with services Pathway often not recognised or understood Rehabilitation is rationed or not available Local authority cuts are threatening future of specialist services Multiple providers mean confusion for people with sight loss People need somewhere trusted to go for help
People with sight loss need local supports which are Near to where they live Easy to access A first point of contact, giving information, advice and emotional support This is the role of the local society
The role of the local society Local societies may play a number of different roles: First point of contact for people with sight loss Trusted support provider – emotional or practical Service provider – funded, or charitable activity Register-holder Advocate or lobbyist – user-led organisation Challenger to commissioners Agent for change through partnerships
Two key areas Supports, services and trusted ally for people with sight loss Partner, collaborator and agent for change in local professional networks (critical friend)
Partnership can result in: Better outcomes for people – ‘Seeing it My Way’ Smooth transition across professional boundaries, so people get help at early stage Resources used more effectively to maximise independence and promote eye health Shared data used for specific eye health needs assessment, to inform JSNA & strategic planning
What does it take to achieve this? Local implementation of Adult UK sight loss pathway A user-led approach Understanding of different roles & disciplines A clear, well implemented referral process Common language, shared data and good communication channels
Local partnerships and alliances Health and Wellbeing Board Vision Strategy Group Local Eye Health Network (LEHN) Local voluntary sector forum Local Visionary forum Local Healthwatch Other – each area is different so find out what is there!
Remember, local societies are Able to have the closest contact and knowledge of people with sight loss Often user-led - very powerful Separate from local authority or NHS, so easier to trust Small enough to think creatively and imaginatively and act quickly
Local societies and the Adult UK sight loss pathway The Pathway is embedded within the UK Vision Strategy Local societies are in good position to challenge those who ignore it, and To use it as a tool to improve outcomes for people with sight loss
The way forward Involve and listen to people with sight loss Make connections across professional boundaries Promote and use the Adult UK sight loss pathway Think creatively Turn the dream of the UK Vision Strategy into a reality