Bob Heaton Executive Director Resources London Borough of Newham
Topics Needs Plans and Targets Achievements Highs and Lows The Future
- Almost 6,000 (46%) of the workforce in semi-skilled jobs (scale 4 and below) -Many don’t need SfL -But still a tall order Scale of Need
Plan -Commence January Courses - Literacy - Numeracy - ESOL - ICT - Communication Skills - 30 hours – 3 hours a week over 10 weeks
Plan -Voluntary enrolment -Use ULRs to ‘spread the word’ -Encourage enrolment using ICT as an incentive -ICT installed at depot -Make it convenient and flexible…..and fun!
Targets Target Areas - Refuse and Cleansing -Catering & Cleaning -Care Workers -School Support Staff Target Numbers -To exceed LDA ‘required outputs’ of providing 80 ‘learning opportunities’
-171 learners attended -215 courses completed -198 qualifications achieved -39 national tests achieved -42 achieved more than 1 qualification Achievements
-70% male (v 30% workforce) -73% over 40 -7% disabled (v 3.8% workforce) -60% white (v 56% workforce) -72% Scale 4 or below -67% Refuse and Cleansing -18% Care Our 171 learners were…..
Lows -Senior managers on board but not front-line managers -Staff not wanting to admit need and be exposed -Key staff dependency - risk -Pressure on services to improve performance -Scale of need – most at Entry Level -Not embedded in corporate processes and systems from day one eg induction, appraisals -Dilution of impact - unable to release staff from same teams
Highs -Open up communication lines between management and front line staff -Improved/different working relationship with unions
Examples of staff progressing -Street cleaner now working in Customer Service -Drivers now able to provide office cover -Learners to ULRs -Confidence gained to speak at a conference
Quotes “I can use a PC, I can’t believe it, I’ve been frightened of them for years. It has opened up a whole new world for me.” “I’ve learned how to do percentages. My son is just starting school, at least I now have a hope of being able to help him with his homework.” “I have never been able to read or write properly. I’ve spent the last 26 years supporting my children through their education. They have their degrees – now it’s my time.” But don’t just take my word for it…
Other benefits -Time-sheets completed correctly -Instructions understood -Helping kids with homework -Encouraging members of their family (our community) to learn
The Future Open up SfL courses for all of our workforce Focus on embedding within organisational processes eg induction, appraisal Convince front line managers of the benefits Introduce use of the IT bus Extend the programme eg ‘brush-up your maths’ – 20 already signed up including up to PO6 staff
Everyone’s a Winner!