What are the benefits of using the controlled lists being developed for Scotland? Peter English
Objectives After this session, you will understand: What all the A-Z deliverables do How the A-Z deliverables fit together How to download the services file from the Project Scotland page How to look at services by interaction How to get involved with the long term sustainability of the project
How the project deliverables relate to one another SLGNL Navigation Structure IPSV Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary A to Z SLGSL Services List
Scottish Local Government Services List (SLGSL)
How SLGSL helps It defines services so that everyone understands what they are (common language) It fits together with the SLGNL and IPSV It links in with the Executive’s ESD categories It evolves with your experiences of what works It’s centrally maintained so saves you time and money Fits together with the Local Government Interaction List (LGIL) to enables benchmarking / measurement / costing
LGIL Parking Permits Providing information Applications for serviceBookingPaymentEnforcement
Local Government Channels List (LGChL) Parking Permits Face to face PostTelephoneWebsite
Draft available after Steering Group ratification Polyhierarchical Customer-facing Covers all services on SLGSL
Navigation Structure
Benefit – council tax A - Z A Council tax benefit Z Common A-Z gives users a consistent way to find services and information. Helps citizens that aren’t comfortable with search or ‘drill-down’ methods of finding information.
Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary (IPSV) Coming to Scotland Mandated for local authorities in England and Wales Facilitates inter-operability across public sector Will allow users to find ‘more like this’
Sustaining the project for the long term An editorial panel will: Review submissions for inclusion/amendment Suggest changes when outside influences affect the lists e.g. changes in legislation Ensure that the objectives and requirements of each list are met Ensure that the advice they give is impartial and takes into account the needs of the public sector as a a whole Ensure that the quality and credibility of the list is maintained
Getting involved Find more information at the Scottish toolkit local community site. Peter English