South Parade April 21 st 2013
Experience of church today... is an experience of ministry in a culture of change
Often confusion and bewilderment arises
Biblical stories of transformation and transition.... Stories that teach us about living between the times
Exile is : Exile is : When one time is over and another hasn’t begun When one time is over and another hasn’t begun When the place that was familiar, where you belonged and knew the rules is no longer possible... But you have not yet found a new way to make home When the place that was familiar, where you belonged and knew the rules is no longer possible... But you have not yet found a new way to make home Where we are forced to learn to live with a whole new reality that we didn’t necessarily choose but have to adjust to Where we are forced to learn to live with a whole new reality that we didn’t necessarily choose but have to adjust to
Where how we identified and understood ourselves no longer works and we are forced to reinvent ourselves Where how we identified and understood ourselves no longer works and we are forced to reinvent ourselves Where we recognise that our own resources and abilities to control the situation have reached their limits and we are forced to rely on the radical freedom of God’s Spirit Where we recognise that our own resources and abilities to control the situation have reached their limits and we are forced to rely on the radical freedom of God’s Spirit Where the people of God were reformed, recreated and where faith and theology took whole new directions Where the people of God were reformed, recreated and where faith and theology took whole new directions
Exile is NOT something you fix It is a whole NEW experience of life.
Break out of denial!
A place for lament A place for lament Babylonian Exile created a profound theological crisis for the people of God
An opportunity to develop new theological understandings
An exile is surely a crisis?
Danger of Acclimatising Lose the ability to imagine that things could be different
Prophets’ task was to reactivate the imagination of the people that other futures were possible Leaders turned people to the ancient stories – to find their core identity and to find hope
We have to start out when it is still dark
Take the duvet off our heads!
Looking out to see what God might be calling us to Radical Hospitality? An experience of the Spiritual? Authentic existence ?