Hook C.E. Primary
The Teaching and Learning Environment V value A attitudes L learning opportunities U understanding E environment Hook C.E. Primary
The Curriculum Based on:- First-hand experiences Investigations Enquiries Problem solving Relevance
Hook C.E. Primary Planning Skills-based schemes of work Long-term – annually Medium-term – termly Short-term – fortnightly
How the Curriculum Operates Long Term Planning Annually Year Group Schemes Focus Heading Hook C.E. Primary
How the Curriculum Operates Medium Term Planning Termly Detail Monitoring Hook C.E. Primary
How the Curriculum Operates Short Term Planning Fortnightly Learning Objectives Assessment and Target Setting Hook C.E. Primary
How the Curriculum Works A Creative Approach Flexibility of Timetable National Strategies Curriculum Audit Hook C.E. Primary
What does it look like for the Pupils? Where we started Pupil involvement:- Daily routines Ownership Outcomes Benefits:- Independence Responsibility Motivation Enthusiasm High Standards Hook C.E. Primary
Excitement and Enrichment Hook C.E. Primary
How do we know it works? National recognition Ofsted Enthusiastic teachers Supportive parents Highly motivated pupils