Micklehurst All Saints C.E. Primary and Nursery School 2006 Inclusion Support & Development Initiative
Introduction The opportunity of a valuable teaching resource and training. To enhance the provision available to pupils with Special Educational Needs. To improve confidence and skills of School's nominated member, Judith Hynes. Has far exceeded any expectations.
Free Laptop with installed software Training opportunities Teaching in school Trialling and developing own resources Effective use of SEN software to support pupils Disseminating knowledge and skills to other staff Children meeting targets. Value added. Excellence and enjoyment The Initiative Motivation
Smart Notebook Overview of brain based learning Insight into different text and background colours Enhanced learning experience Coloured text assessment made to promote inclusion Child friendly remote mouse added to aid accessibility for all Self belief nurtured Access to a wealth of resources
Talking Word Processors Supporting multi-sensory learning Individual learning styles Auditory feedback Colour differentiation Images supporting communication Engaged, enthusiastic children Safe learning environment Not afraid to fail Personalised involvement
Autistic Spectrum Disorder ICT used as a bridge to understanding Controlled, safe learning environment. Eye, Spell and Phoneme Track Developing concentration, memory and visual perception Dissemination of information to colleagues supporting pupils with A.S.D. Boardmaker- communicating through the use of symbols Alice’s Book
Clicker 4 Inclusive learning. Differentiated work Multi-sensory approach Social stories Supporting developing motor skills Positive, motivated learners Excellence and enjoyment Choices which promote ownership
Word and Number Shark Consolidation of learning by repetition Fun, interactive approach Immediate impact Progress monitored and record of assessment Multi-faceted practice Engaged pupils
Development of staff expertise Mrs Hynes has supported SEN pupils and under achieving pupils for a number of years and has always sought to find new and more effective methods to support pupils in making progress. Her involvement within the ICT SEN initiative has enabled her to develop new skills and knowledge of how ICT can be used to enable Inclusion for all across many areas of the curriculum. Her confidence has increased to enable her to take a key role in leading the dissemination of training across other adults that include teachers and teaching assistants. Mrs Hynes commitment to the programme and to the pupils is unquestionable. Impact on Pupil’s learning School Improvement The future Head teacher's Statement
Impact on Pupil’s Learning Judith’s involvement within the initiative has had significant impact upon pupil’s learning. This is evidenced through; Enabling full Inclusion of ASD pupils within the life of the school Accelerating the progress of pupils in English and Maths on the SEN register Significantly raising the attainment of pupils with SEN to bringing a number of pupils closer to national expectation in English and Mathematics The ‘ Can’t Write, Won’t Write’ brigade can now write and will write - increasing the level of pupils achieving a Level 4 within the Writing SAT Head teacher's Statement
Impact on School Improvement The ICT/SEN Initiative has been a strategy that has made a positive contribution to improving provision for pupils with SEN. This is evidenced by the Ofsted Inspection of the school where Care, Support and Guidance for pupils was graded as good. Inspectors said that the school’s investment in its teaching assistants was a clear indicator of the school’s commitment to enabling equality of educational opportunity.
Word and Number Shark Clicker 4 Textease Granada Colours Smart Notebook Semerc ICT Used To Support S.E.N. Boardmaker