Evelyn CP School Foundation Stage Results (Specific Learning Goals – Reading, Writing and Number) 2013 Reading (Expected) 77% Writing (Expected) 43% Number.


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Presentation transcript:

Evelyn CP School Foundation Stage Results (Specific Learning Goals – Reading, Writing and Number) 2013 Reading (Expected) 77% Writing (Expected) 43% Number (Expected) 54% Reading (Exceeding) 12% Writing (Exceeding) 28% Number (Exceeding) 14%

Evelyn CP School Foundation Stage 2013 Attainment of GLD (Good Level of Development) LAEvelyn 55% total60% total 47% boys48% boys 65% girls83% girls

Evelyn CP School End of Year 1 Phonics Test Percentage of Children achieving expected score National58% Evelyn69%

Evelyn CP School Key Stage 1 Results and Targets (Level 2 and above) Reading Comprehension Target 94%91% 94% Result 79%84%97% (34) 100% (33) 81% (29) Writing Target 94%91% 94% Result 86%87%94% (33) 88% (29) 86% (31) Mathematics Target 94%91% 94% Result 97%87% 100% (35) 100% (33) 94% (34)

Evelyn CP School End of Key Stage 1 Statutory Tasks and Tests 2013 Children Gaining Level 2 and Above NationalKnowsleyEvelyn Reading87%83.2%81% Writing83%78%86% Mathematics91%89.6%94% Science89%n/a91%

Evelyn CP School KS1 End of Key Stage Results Number/Percentage of Children Achieving Level English (average) Target 15 (43%) 13 (43%) 13 (37%) 13 (37%) 14 (40%) 15 (41%) 15 (43%) 12 (34%) Result 12 (34%) 13 (39%) 9 (27%) 14 (48.5%) 10 (32%) 14 (40%) 13 (39%) 10 (28%) Mathematics Target 15 (43%) 10 (43%) 12 (34%) 13 (37%) 13 (37%) 15 (41%) 15 (43%) 12 (34%) Result 8 (23%) 10 (28%) 10 (30%) 15 (52%) 9 (29%) 12 (34%) 14 (42%) 11 (31%)

Evelyn CP School Key Stage 2 Results and Targets (Level 4 and above) English Target 91%94%91%94%91% 94% Result 94%97%91%100%93% 97% Mathematics Target 90%89%87%94%90%94% Result 86%91%85%100%93%77%100% Science Target 92%94%91%97%94% Result 89%94%97%100%94%87%100%

Evelyn CP School End of Key Stage 2 Statutory Tasks and Tests 2013 Children Gaining Level 4 and Above NationalKnowsleyEvelyn English84% (Reading 87% Writing 81%) 87%97% (Reading 97% Writing 97%) Mathematics84%87%100% Science 87% (T.A.) 87% (T.A.) 100% (T.A.)

KS2 End of Key Stage Results Number/Percentage of Children Achieving Level English (average) Target 14 (47%) 15 (43%) 15 (43%) 15 (43%) 13 (37%) 15 (43%) 14 (40%) 14 (40%) Result 12 (34%) 17 (50%) 20 (61%) 10 (30%) 18 (60%) 13.5 (45%) 21 (64%) Mathematics Target 16 (47%) 13 (37%) 13 (37%) 13 (37%) 13 (37%) 15 (43%) 14 (40%) 14 (40%) Result 13 (37%) 16 (47%) 17 (51%) 14 (42%) 15 (50%) 13 (43%) 20 (61%) Science Target 14 (43%) 14 (40%) 14 (40%) 15 (43%) 15 (43%) 15 (43%) 14 (40%) 14 (40%) Result 13 (37%) 18 (53%) 21 (64%) 15 (45%) 18 (60%) 14 (47%) 18 (55%)

Evelyn CP School End of Key Stage 2 Statutory Tasks and Tests 2013 Level 4 and aboveLevel 5 Reading 97%64% Writing 97%42% Mathematics 100%61%

Evelyn CP School Percentage of children gaining level 4 in English and Maths combined 2012 Actual - 73% 2013 Target - 91%2013 Actual % 2014 Target - 94%2014 Actual -

Evelyn CP School Percentage of children achieving 2 levels of progress at the end of KS2, from the end of KS Actual 2013 Target 2013 Actual English90%91%84% Maths77%91%94%