Recovery and Connect Central How does Recovery Education deliver the 6 Cs to our service users and carers? Mike Grierson Recovery and Connect Central
= “disruptive innovation” Recovery Education? IMROC (Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change) Help people to articulate and learn from knowledge derived from lived experience Greatly expand the use of peer experience/knowledge/skills throughout the organisation = “disruptive innovation”
Recovery Education: 6 Cs Culture Change Comprehensive training programme Commitment – from all levels Co-production and collaboration Choice and control
Recovery Education: Curriculum Telling your story Peer support training Dealing with people when they’re being difficult How to get the most out of your psychiatric service Professional/Service user relationships that work Coping strategies that work Good practice in medication management Dealing with the impact of diagnosis Self care for mental health professionals Being empowered in psychiatric services
Recovery Education and the 6Cs: Small Steps Courage Communication Competence Compassion Confidence Care