Only Connect Cofhe/CoLRic Self Assessment Tool Kit CoLRiC Peer Accreditation Scheme
Quality Assurance Internal Self Assessment Report (SAR) Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Development Plan External Investors in people (IIP) OFSTED Matrix : IAG CoLRiC Peer Accreditation Scheme Validate your judgement
Nationally Recognised Scheme KQ 5 Leadership and Management Light touch inspection process: impact on LR services Neutrality/ Impartial nature of the process
Validate your judgement Nationally recognised benchmarks Informed/trained Assessors Weight of external validation Transparency of the process
Validate your Judgement Quality Team Staff Development Team Curriculum Leaders Students (the Learner Voice) Senior Managers (SMT) Entire College Participation Audit trail –both ways Specific quality brief
Value the judgement Whole quality cycle Responsive Service development Raising the profile Involvement of other areas Learner Voice Peer Evaluation Value to Senior managers Celebrate your service
Responsive relationship CoLRiC Peer Accreditation Scheme Cofhe/CoLRic Self Assessment Tool Kit Planning change for Peer Accreditation Enhance strengths Leadership and management focus Revised Criteria Simplified process Moderation Jeff Cooper Award
TWO SIDES OF A COIN Cofhe/CoLRic Self Assessment Tool Kit CoLRiC Peer Accreditation Scheme Validate your Judgement