The Statutory Role of the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer
DRAFT APACE Statement on the Role of the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Role of the Chief Executive Statute Professional Standards/Codes Key duties and responsibilities Leadership Monitoring Officer
Statute Head of the Commissioner’s staff / Head of paid service Paragraph 6(1)(a)Schedule 1 PRSRA’11 Section 4(1A) Local Government and Housing Act 1989 Monitoring Officer Section 5(1C) Local Government and Housing Act 1989 NB. Additional/separate statute requirements for London and Wales
Professional Standards Draft Staff Code of Conduct Honesty, integrity; impartiality, objectivity Accountability; Respect; Stewardship; Equality Openness Duty of trust
Professional Standards Solicitors Regulatory Authority uphold the rule of law and the proper administration of justice; integrity; independence; act in the best interests of client; provide a proper standard of service; maintain the trust of the public; comply with your legal and regulatory obligations; run your business effectively and in accordance with proper governance and sound financial and risk management principles; encourage equality of opportunity and respect for diversity; and protect client money and assets
Professional Standards Chartered Management Institute Maintaining high standards of professional conduct and competence Acting openly and with integrity Being accountable for your actions and applying sound judgement Motivating and supporting others and showing them respect Contributing positively to organisational objectives
Key Duties and Responsibilities strategy and resource planning; partnership working, commissioning and service delivery; information management (including obtaining the views of the public, research, strategic needs assessments); scrutiny, evaluation and performance; and ensuring an efficient and effective OPCC
Leadership Managerial / Political effective leadership, maintaining focus, vision and values through creative thinking, rigorous analysis and challenge; emotional intelligence, political awareness and sensitivity. being a role model; sharing values, ideas and ethics; motivational / inspirational; flexible; building robust relationships;
Monitoring Officer Role Ensure the PCC and their office acts lawfully Report any proposal, decision or omission that is or is likely to be: –a contravention of any enactment or rule of law or of any code of practice; or –any such maladministration or injustice extends to the non-operational decision making of both the PCC and CC
Monitoring Officer Practical Implications decisions taken by the PCC/chief constable are taken with legal advice; the right to attend any meeting and advise on any decision which binds the PCC; direct access to the independent audit committee; the CC’s legal adviser has full access to the CX; the scheme of governance, etc of both PCC and CC outline MO’s role; right of access to any documents; unqualified access to any non-operational information and employee; effective relationships between the CFOs, CX and CC.