CC PID Task Force Status Update Philip Rodrigues CC Phone Meeting 6 Dec 07
2 Task Force Charge The CC PID task force has been assembled to review the CC/NC separation method and input observables used in the summer 2007 analysis. Particularly interested in improvements at low energies Studies to encompass both input variables and how they’re used
3 Work so far Nathaniel (chair): –Statistical approach, energy dependence of cut position –Pan generation Dan: –Scanner variables Robert: –TMVA (ROOT multivariate analysis framework) Phil: –Data/MC comparisons –Pan generation
4 Cut optimization Does an energy-dependent cut buy us anything? What are the current PIDs doing at low E?
5 Energy-dependent cut
6 Scanner Variables We have scanner variables in PANs –Allows easy data/MC comparisons, etc Currently looking at CC/NC separation
7 Data/MC comparisons Made data/MC plots with Daikon03 (new B-field) Mostly reasonable agreement –modulo known problems with spectrometer Easy to make plots, harder to summarize usefully
8 Data/MC summary Mean unbinned KS distance (x 1 00) as data/MC f.o.m.: 1.735AB 1.754RO (cut on low/hi strips) 2.29NS 2.456RO 2.750Scanner 2.035Scanner 3.276AB 3.309RO (cut on near ph and low/hi strips) 3.450RO 3.470NS All energies E n < 2 GeV
9 TMVA ROOT package Test different classification methods Variable ⇔ Classifier mix-n’- match: –Andy’s variables in different classifiers: Very preliminary!
10 Conclusions Not much to choose between current methods We have some leads, but nothing definite…