NHS Cannock Chase Integrated Plan and Commissioning Intentions
Presentation Overview Practices and people National and local context Challenges Our Vision Values and Goals Our Measure Measuring Success Questions and answers
Practices & People Cannock Chase Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) commissions services for a population of around 132,000 It comprises of 27 GP practices Its Practices are located within the boundaries of Cannock Chase District Council and the Huntington, Great Wyrley and Cheslyn Hay wards of South Staffordshire District Council. All 27 GP Practices are represented on the CCG Membership Board to support clinical engagement
National Context Although the majority of decisions will be made at a local level, Cannock Chase CCG will not work in isolation. There are a number of national policies that will inform and define how CCGs will operate. These include: The Government’s White Paper, Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS (2010) Putting patients at the heart of everything we do The Health and Social Care Bill (2012) Promoting patient choice and competition - No decision about me, without me The NHS Operating Framework 2012/13 Ensuring dignified and compassionate care, and strong performance on finance and service quality
Local Context Locally CC CCG aspires to achieve a high quality, clinically safe and financially viable health and social care economy It will do this through working with its key providers and stakeholders, which include: Stafford and Surrounds Clinical Commissioning Group Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent NHS Partnership Trust South Staffordshire and Shropshire NHS Foundation Trust Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust University Hospital of North Staffordshire Staffordshire County Council Patients and the public Community and Voluntary Sector
Local Challenges Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust and financial sustainability Clinical Services Implementation Plan (CSIP) including Emergency and Urgent Care Service Monitor Review Cannock Chase Hospital – Where possible the provision of appropriate local services Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QiPP) Developing a health economy that is clinically and financially sustainable.
Health Challenges High levels of health inequality Shorter life expectancy for men and women compared to national average plus variation across the area Significant growth of people over the age of 65, and in particular over the age of 75 High levels of Long Term Conditions in nine of the 15 wards Over a third of population falls within most deprived quintile of England for education, skills and training Adult obesity is higher than national average High prevalence of smoking High rates of teenage pregnancy in some wards
Vision, Values & Goals Vision: Cannock Chase Clinical Commissioning Group will commission high quality and safe services to ensure people live healthier longer lives Values: Prevention: Increasing the years of quality living through targeted prevention Quality: Commissioning high quality, safe treatment and care focused on individual needs Education: Educating patients to improve self-care Innovation: Responding to needs through engagement, innovation and change
Goals: To reduce health inequalities across Cannock Chase through targeted interventions To identify and support patients with Long Term Conditions to ensure care delivery closer to home To improve and increase overall life expectancy To develop integrated services with simple, easy access
We will deliver our goals through: Clinically led innovation, processes and structures Good engagement with patients, the public and our stakeholders Clear commissioning intentions Collaborative commissioning
Our Measures To reduce the variation in life expectancy across Cannock Chase Reduce the level of premature mortality To reduce unplanned admissions for people with long term conditions To increase the number of integrated service pathways
How have our measures been calculated? For example premature mortality rates Source: Compendium of Population Health Indicators ( or nww.indicators.ic.nhs.uk), The NHS Information Centre for health and social care. Crown copyright
We will measure success through: O – Organisation Outcomes S – Satisfaction Outcomes C – Clinical Outcomes A – Activity Outcomes R – Resource Utilisation Outcomes
Any Questions? Contact details: Cannock Chase CCG