Job searching,CV and Interview Advice Jayne Winch Date September 2013
Job searching techniques Jobs boards (Total jobs, Monster, Indeed, local boards – jobs in Surrey, LIS link etc) Company websites and their RSS feeds Referrals through friends/networking events LinkedIn/Twitter and social media Digital brand! Copyright TFPL 2013
Digital brand Twitter - do Tweet and offer opinion but don’t be too controversial Get involved in discussions Follow interest groups on here Keep LinkedIn profile up to date. Would be expected to be on it Blogs – eg,motor blog, got a job through this! He became well known in this sector through his blogging Commenting on blogs is a good way to get noticed Facebook – be careful, employers check pages Copyright TFPL 2013
Layout of the CV Name Address Contact details Profile Education Current/most recent job Career to date Professional activities Technical experience/other skills Other interests References - optional
Characteristics of a winning CV no more than 2 pages if possible easy to follow and to read personal profile at the top salient points are up front and well set out truthful and logical – avoid cliches emphasis given to most recent/relevant job or qualification (reverse chronological order) positive and interesting makes you want to know more – don’t include your life story! references available on request
Purpose of the interview > Meet the employer > Sell your strengths and skills as they relate to the employer and position > Learn about the employer and position > Assess if the employer/position are a good fit for your career goals, values and needs. They may not be! > Practice for other interviews > Use the interview with agencies as a practice
Types of Interview > Traditional > Behavioural > Team / panel
Traditional > Requires you to relay factual information > Employer is taking your word at face value > Sample Questions: Tell me about yourself? Why are you interested in this role? What are your weaknesses?
Behavioural > Employer makes assumptions about your future performance based on past behaviours and attitudes > Requires you to offer concrete, specific examples > Sample questions Tell me about a time when you showed team work Give me an example of a challenge you faced and how you dealt with it
General Preparation Research the company, know who you’ll be meeting with and their position Look at interviewers’ LinkedIn profiles/company profile Re-read the job description Create a list of questions to ask about the position and the company Arrive a little early
Etiquette Be on time Turn off your phone Shake hands firmly at the beginning and end of the interview Maintain good eye contact Dress appropriately
The Day of the Interview Speak positively about yourself and others Use body language to show interest Nod, sit forward, sit up straight, smile! Reflect on the interview What did I do well? What could I prepare better for next time? Keep a folder/spreadsheet of roles applied for
Success Factors Communication skills (including listening) Problem solving skills Interest in industry/role Interpersonal skills Enthusiasm Confidence Focus – don’t go off at a tangent
At the interview - DON’T > Be intimidated > Be late > Undervalue yourself > Be too familiar > Criticize your employer > Give monosyllabic replies
Reflection Assess what worked, what didn’t Keep a folder/spreadsheet of the roles applied for with notes Get feedback from agencies/companies if applied directly How could you prepare for next time? Opportunity to take stock Consider your career aspirations Copyright TFPL 2013
Thank you!