CV Writing Interviewers will often have these documents and ask you about them 1
CV Tip! Prepare by having a quick read-through 2
Handling Questions Predict and prepare for questions Try not to answer ‘I don’t know’ 3
Handling Questions Run through basic questions with friends and family Avoid ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ answers 4
How long do you speak for? don’t be too brief; give enough detail to be convincing 5
The Two Minute Rule don’t speak for longer than two minutes in response to a question. 6
Asking questions back Always try to ask something back 7
Asking questions back Use the opportunity to learn more about responsibilities at a new job, any unknown elements of a course etc. 8
Interview Blunders Candidate answered cell phone and asked the interviewer to leave her own office because it was a "private" conversation. Candidate flushed the toilet while talking to the interviewer during a phone interview 9
When applicant was offered food before the interview he declined, saying that he didn't want to line his stomach with grease before going out drinking. 10
A candidate for an accounting position said she was a "people person," not a "numbers person." Taken from
Getting there Do not trust public transport. Aim to arrive on site 20 mins before expected. 12
Getting there Walk in 10 mins early. Call to double check time/date/place/parking and that the post has not been filled the day before. 13
How to give the right signals Face Eyes Hands Posture 14
Other Behaviour Sitting Language Drinking Smoking 15
Dress Code Be conservative in your appearance. Wear something that is comfortable. 16
Dress Code Aim for a clean and smart look. Office-wear usually works well. 17
Basic interview tips Do… think carefully about the impression you want to create consider the image that’s appropriate to organisation 18
Do choose an outfit you’re comfortable in take relevant information with you 19
Do… report to reception in good time - give yourself a few minutes to gather yourself 20
Basic interview tips Don’t stay up to late the night before overdo the curry, garlic or alcohol 21
Don’t… grab the first outfit in the wardrobe have a last minute cigarette on arrival leave your mobile phone on 22
Remember They are meeting you for the first time Make a good impression 23
Remember Be yourself Smile 24
Activity Get into pairs/threes Role-play an interview 25