S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 1 AGENDA 1.Minutes of meeting held on 25 July GridPP Management 3.GridPP Status 4.GridPP Finances 5.Displacement 6.Dissemination 7.Any Other Business 8.Next Meetings Minutes - volunteer?
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 2 Attendance Apologies Substitutions: –DurhamJames Stirling (or Apologies) –GlasgowTony Doyle –LancasterRoger Jones –RALDave Morrell –RHULHywel Phillips
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 3 Previous meeting Minutes Approved? Actions arising: –EB ToR are on web ( –Project Leader information was circulated –Displacement clarification – asked for but not forthcoming (see later) –Displacement ‘interviews’ – not yet done pending final strategy decision (see later) –Peer Review Board set up (not quite as agreed at last meeting) (see later)
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 4 Previous Meeting –Globus Licence – some backtracking – probably no COGS umbrella – continue inside Globus –CERN Recruitment – underway (see later) –RAL Posts: WP3 – 2 filled, 1 under offer WP5 – Not yet filled (using agency staff) WP8 – Filled (other posts – see later)
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 5 GridPP Management Collaboration Board Established Project Management Board Established Experiments Board Established Technical Board Interim Technical Advisory Group established Working Groups Peer Review Selection Committee Established Dissemination Board Tier Centres
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 6 Experiments Board ATLASRoger Jones, Andy Parker CMSDave Britton, Dave Newbold LHCbNick Brook (Chair), Glenn Patrick ALICEIan Bloodworth BaBarRoger Barlow (Deputy Chair) D0Iain Bertram CDFTodd Huffman OthersDan Tovey TheoryAlan Irving CERNJamie Shiers TB Cross Members:Pete Clarke, + tbd Members chosen by Experiments Chair and Deputy elected by Board CB Endorsement?
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 7 Technical Board Not yet fully set up – Awaiting full definition of Project + Deliverables Technical Assessment Group (TAG) is TB at present –Pete Clarke (TB Chair) –Robin Middleton –John Gordon –Les Robertson –Tony Doyle –Dave Colling –Andrew McNab
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 8 Project Management Board Project LeaderTony DoyleAppointed by CB Deputy Project Leader John GordonAppointed by Project Leader Chair of Collaboration BoardSteve LloydEx officio Chair of Technical BoardPete ClarkeAppointed by Project Leader Chair of Experiments BoardNick BrookEx officio Deputy Chair of EBRoger BarlowEx officio Resource ManagerDave BrittonAppointed by Project Leader DataGrid UK Project LeaderRobin MiddletonEx officio CERN LiasionLes RobertsonAppointed by CERN e-Science DirectorNeil GeddesEx officio As proposal plus Resource Manager (agreed last time) + DataGrid UK Project Leader (agreed by PMB) + Part time Secretary at Glasgow Three year posts (except EB 1+2) CB Endorsement?
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 9 Dissemination Board Not yet set up –Proposed before Core e-Science National and Regional centres –Do we need yet another committee or is it better to concentrate on actual dissemination e.g. through our Regional Centres and the Core centres? See later on Agenda
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 10 Peer Review Selection Committee ChairDavid Williams (CERN) Chair of PPRP Neville Harnew Chair of PPGC George Lafferty GridPP Project LeaderTony Doyle Chair of GridPP CBSteve Lloyd Chair of GridPP TBPete Clarke Director e-ScienceNeil Geddes (in attendance) As proposal apart from Chair of TB – agreed by PMB to provide Technical Input from GridPP side Chair not directly from our community as agreed last time CB Endorsement?
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 11 GridPP Status + Finances GridPP Status Report GridPP Financial Report by Project Leader, Tony Doyle
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 12 Displacement Two problems for PP at PPARC: –(A) A PPARC overall funding shortfall of about £4.3M which applies to the sum of the PP and A budgets –(B) The lack of indexation for the core PP programme resulting in effectively a cut of roughly £6M over 3 years No-one knows (or will say) how these figures arose. PPARC Council decided that (A) should have the first call on any displacement i.e. anything we displace will get split between PP and A unless we are very careful To ‘solve’ the PP problem requires ~£10M displacement over 3 years GridPP only got £17M rather than £20M originally assumed Approximately £14M is ‘committed’ (including the next 15 jobs)
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 13 Displacement £17M CERN Hardware + Staff DataGrid Staff GridPP Staff + Managers Hardware Displacement £5.8M (~1/3) (£1.3M + £4.5M) £2.5M (Committed) £2.5M £2.8M £2.5M Travel £0.8M Includes ~£0.6M Scalar Computing Hardware already displaced. Also BaBar Tier-A can count towards BaBar M&O (= Displacement) ~15 New posts about to be allocated (+Training ~£0.1M? )
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 14 Displacement University Staff RAL ITD Staff RAL PPD Staff Leaves £0.6M ~4 fte Total 9 fte to be displaced over 3 years (agreed by PPC) – currently assume 0, 3, 9 in 3 years ~£1.0M could be more if beneficial. Easily identified to run Tier-1/A £2.5M ~ 5 fte ~ £0.9M Easily identified and justified Nothing is decided or committed
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 15 Displacement Types of Displacement: –Type 1: New – new staff in new Grid posts paid for by e-Science money –Type 2: Transfer – Existing staff move to new Grid posts paid for by e- Science money. A new person fills the old PP post paid for from Grants money –Type 3: Displacement – Existing staff are deemed to be doing e-Science and are paid for by e-Science money. Their existing PP funding is available for use elsewhere. What is the best strategy? How do we maximise the amount of money going back into PP (rather than top sliced to PP+A)? What happens at the next Grants round
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 16 Dissemination Topics Core e-Science Centres –Next Collaboration Meeting (5/6 November) to be held at the National e-Science Centre in Edinburgh –3rd at Cambridge Regional e-Science Centre – Feb 2002? –4th – volunteers? UK Grid Support Centre –Technical collaboration at RAL e.g. Andrew Sansum AstroGrid –SLL Attended 2 Day AstroGrid Collaboration Meeting –Contacts established: SLL (GridPP) and Nick Walton (AstroGrid Project Scientist) –Nick will speak at next GridPP Collaboration Meeting –Technical Collaboration on Networking and Storage
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 17 Dissemination Topics PPARC Council Sub-Group on Exploitation (?) –SLL to present GridPP at next meeting (31 October) DataGrid Industry and Research Steering Group –SLL represents UK Web Pages –GridPP Web pages ( now have common stylewww.gridpp.ac.uk –Sophisticated editing facility using Globus certificates (Andy McNab) being packaged for wider use Press –Nina Hall in touch with TD for Frontiers update. –SLL contacted by Mobile Computing & Communications Magazine!
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 18 Any Other Business Any other business ?
S.L.LloydGridPP CB Meeting 23 October 2001Slide 19 Next Meetings How frequently should we meet? We probably should meet in Spring 2002 (May?) –Jobs all allocated –Displacement settled? –Complete project defined –Annual report to PPARC