Adaptation and Resilience of Coastal Energy, ARCoES Living with our Buildings and Infrastructure: Adapting for the Future 18 & 19 September 2012
ARCoES addresses the sustainability and robustness of coastal energy over the long term (to 2500) in response to sea level, wave climate, storms and sediments Aims: To determine the threats posed to coastal power stations, the associated distribution network, and neighbouring infrastructure and resources from: ● Flooding ● Erosion ● Changing patterns of:◦ coastal sedimentation ◦ water temperature and quality ◦ distribution of plants and animals at coast Living with our Buildings and Infrastructure: Adapting for the Future 18 & 19 September 2012
Approach: To develop an integrated coastal model that addresses key sectoral information needs, based on the best available evidence and approach (including assessments of event-scale responses, i.e. storms) To build a decision-support GIS in co-operation with sectoral, regional and local stakeholders
Living with our Buildings and Infrastructure: Adapting for the Future 18 & 19 September 2012 ARCoES Results and Outputs for Policy and Practice Development of integrated computer model for estuaries, gravel beaches, sandy beaches and dunes, and cliffs, developed on a nuclear power station case studies with the support of EDF, NDA, EA, Defra and Sellafield (BEEMS and BECC). Sizewell (mixed beach) Hinkley Point (rocky shore and cliff) Bradwell (estuary) Sellafield (sand beach/dune)
Living with our Buildings and Infrastructure: Adapting for the Future 18 & 19 September 2012 ARCoES Results and Outputs for Policy and Practice: Storm Response Monitoring Monitoring of case study beaches using state-of-the-art approaches to establish storm response – to feed into modelling. Assessment being undertaken using: ● RTK-GPS surveys ● video- and fixed-camera monitoring ● laser scanning ● X-band radar
Living with our Buildings and Infrastructure: Adapting for the Future 18 & 19 September 2012
ARCoES Results and Outputs for Policy and Practice Outputs: Projections of future flooding, erosion, sediment transport and sedimentation, water quality (temperature and turbidity) and habitats due to climate change projections to the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s…... and our best understanding of long-term coastal change to 2100, 2200 and 2500 AD. Decision-support system (DSS) for examining network resilience (e.g. physical environment, operations & processes, economic sustainability) and to identify the practical steps necessary to enhance resilience, and to engage communities in decision making.
Living with our Buildings and Infrastructure: Adapting for the Future 18 & 19 September 2012 ARCoES Results and Outputs for Policy and Practice Key issues: i. Framework for evaluating long-term risk and uncertainty w.r.t. climate change impacts ii. Cost/benefit of increased levels of resilience iii. Assessment of how society values infrastructure resilience iv. Future generation/network considerations: ● moving to smart grids - energy traffic resilience to coastal outages ● more DC links requiring coastal DC/AC converters, and associated assets ● predicting local-scale coastal change for future tower design and access planning ● improved storm impact modelling aiming to constrain (i) magnitude and (ii) frequency ● changes in cooling water temperature, biofouling and localized sedimentation
Living with our Buildings and Infrastructure: Adapting for the Future 18 & 19 September 2012 Critical to the success of ARCoES is working with stakeholders: energy sector, coastal planning authorities/regulators, local communities and interest groups… …we will work with stakeholders to ensure the research provides relevant and appropriate answers, and complements rather than duplicates research to date, … will be essential in the design of the decision-support system and how the results are disseminated. Thank you for your attention… Andy Plater: tel: