PRAYER Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine! I can feel the current moving on the line, Built by God the Father for His loved and own, We may talk to Jesus through this royal telephone 1
PRAYER Prayer is like a telephone for us to talk to Jesus Prayer is like a telephone for us to talk to God Pick it up and use it every day We can shout out loud We can whisper softly We can make no noise at all But He’ll always hear our call 2
PRAYER Why should we pray? Jesus thinks it is important (WWJD) We are in relationship with God Releases the Spirit of God (James 5 v 16) 3
PRAYER To whom do we pray? “Our Father” “in heaven” 4
PRAYER What should we pray for? Hallowed be your name Thy kingdom come, thy will be done Temporal needs Forgiveness Help in our spiritual battle 5
PRAYER What is the purpose of our prayers? Make us more like Christ To bring glory to Him 6
“What man is on his knees before God that he is and no more” Murray McShane 7
FASTING Types of fasting? Partial – i.e. Daniel Normal – from food but not water Total – i.e. Esther, Paul, Ezra 8
FASTING Why should Christians fast? Example of Jesus “When” John Calvin So our bodies not controlled by sinful nature (1 Corin 9 v 27) For prayer and meditation Repentence/confession of sin 9
FASTING When should Christians fast? Individual Congregational National level (Leviticus 23) 10
FASTING Fasting that pleases God Don’t let it show (Matt 6 v & Daniel) Don’t let it become a ritual Repentance (Isaiah 58 v 3 – 9) 11