Discussion – needs and priorities of the new member of staff
1. Individually write down what are the key activities for your job (perhaps give them the following headings: teaching, research, admin and other as a guide). 2. In small groups (of 5?) share these lists and get to know each other 3. Individually look at your list of activities and indicate with + and - which aspects you feel more (+) or less (-) confident in. 4. In your groups share your lists and together come up with 2 or 3 agreed priority areas (+ and -). 5. Come up with a set of recommendations based on your + areas that you think might help other new staff who may feel less confident in those areas.
6. Come up with a list of support needs for your - areas e.g. what kinds of support might be useful in developing confidence in the - areas. 7. Each group to make notes and feed back to the whole group. 8. As a whole group suggest how LLAS can help address the areas identified in this exercise in future events. 9. Collect in the notes from the groups and say that these will be collated and written up for circulation after the workshop 10. If you have them circulate a short list of 'tips for lecturers' and ask participants to comment (do they agree or disagree, is there some useful advice etc.). Then reveal that these are student suggestions.