Valuing People Now: From Progress to Transformation What it says - the main points.


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Presentation transcript:

Valuing People Now: From Progress to Transformation What it says - the main points

Valuing People Now It does not change policy It adds a few things It says how change can happen It sets priorities for the next 3 years

The Big Priorities for Personalisation What people do in the day, in the evenings and at weekends Health Housing Making it happen

Personalisation More choice and control about how you live your life and the support you get More people with a Direct Payment or personal budget Most people have a Person centred plan

What People do in the Day (in the evenings and at weekends) People deciding what they want to do More people in paid work More people doing college courses they want Action to make this happen by all government departments

Health PCTs will: Know about the health needs of people with learning disabilities Plan health services that work for people with learning disabilities through Partnership Boards Most people will have a health action plan and regular health checks

Housing More people to be tenants and owners of their own home with all their rights Councils will include the needs of people with learning disabilities in their housing plans Extra money to help close campuses

Other important things for Advocacy and rights Partnership with families Including everyone People as local citizens Transition to adulthood The staff that support people (workforce)

Advocacy and Rights More money spent on Advocacy Every Local Authority area will have a user-led organisation that includes people with learning disabilities more people with learning disabilities who are national and regional leaders

Partnership with Families More people listening to family carers Family carers getting more support so they can live their own lives and stay healthy More breaks for families Family carers will know more about their rights

Including Everyone Not missing anyone out People with complex needs People from ethnic minority Communities People with autism People involved with the criminal justice system

People as Local Citizens Action to stop Hate Crime Better public transport People have more friends and relationships Community support for parents with learning disabilities

Transition to Adulthood Every young person in transition will have a person centred plan to plan the services they need Young people will get a job or go to college when they leave school More young people will get a Direct Payment or personal budget

Improving the Workforce More staff will pass the Learning Disability Qualification (LDQ) People and families as paid staff trainers Staff training to include people working the community – like the NHS, police, shops, transport

The Very Top of the list from Making it Happen: National and local leadership Better commissioning (planning and buying services) Checking how we are doing

National Leadership National Forum Task Force Minister’s oversight group Valuing People Support Team National Director

Local Leadership Partnership Boards to look at how they work so they can do a better job of leading change Learning Disability Development Fund to go to local authorities

Better Commissioning (planning and buying services) Local Authorities will be in charge of planning and buying all social care services No-one to be an in-patient unless they being assessed or treated because they are not well Less people will be sent to live away from their local area

Checking How We Are Doing Partnership Boards will have good information about how things are going with Valuing People Now each year The NHS will be reporting on the health of people with learning disabilities We will know how many people have paid work and live in their own home

Send your views to the government by 28th March 2008 Say what you think or what groups think Don’t wait, don’t stop doing the brilliant hard work, keep at it! Make Valuing People happen now What Next? Tell us what you think