EPS Victoria Lindon, Primary Care Contracts Manager
NHS | Presentation to [XXXX Company] | [Type Date]2 Go-Live Process
Process GP Practice expression of interest CSU “kick-off” meeting CSU submit formal request NHS England Area Team approval NHS | Presentation to EPS Event, Sheffield, 28 th January 20143
NHS | Presentation to [XXXX Company] | [Type Date]4 Smartcards
Sponsors Letter sent to all contractors 8 th November 2013 In order to obtain a smartcard for pharmacists and pharmacy staff a sponsor is required. To establish a new Sponsor for a pharmacy contractor, the pharmacy owner, Superintendent Pharmacist or Pharmacy Area Manager (or equivalent) is required to submit the following to the Area Team (by to NHS | Presentation to EPS Event, Sheffield, 28 th January 20145
Sponsors (cont.) A covering letter signed by the pharmacy owner or Superintendent Pharmacist confirming that the individual has the pharmacy contractors approval to act as Sponsor. A letter signed by the individual, confirming that they accept and understand the implications of becoming a Smartcard/Registration Sponsor for the purposes of ensuring that local community pharmacists can access the National Programme for IT/Connecting for Health systems. A fully completed RA01 form (Appendix A) for the individual to be issued with a smartcard. A fully completed RA02 form (Appendix B). Please note that where the Sponsor is to act on behalf of more than one pharmacy branch, the OCS code must be included for each branch. 6 NHS | Presentation to EPS Event, Sheffield, 28 th January 2014
RA Forms The job role codes to be entered are as follows: Sponsor only - R8008. Pharmacist - R8003. Pre-Reg Pharmacist – R8004. Dispenser – R8008. NHS | Presentation to EPS Event, Sheffield, 28 th January 20147
RA Forms (cont.) In addition, the activity codes to be entered are as follows: Sponsor – B1300. Pharmacist – B0572 and B0068. Pre-Reg Pharmacist – B0570, B0572, B0401 and B0825. Dispenser – B0572, B0401 and B0825. NHS | Presentation to EPS Event, Sheffield, 28 th January 20148
Resources Resources available on local LPC website: (choose relevant CCG and go to EPS2 section) NHS | Presentation to EPS Event, Sheffield, 28 th January 20149