DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data I’ve collected my data, so what do I do with it now? Research data management Session 1 Introduction to Research Data Management
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 1 Programme introduction Aims & content of the sessions 1. introduction to RDM 2. data curation lifecycle 3. problems and practical strategies and solutions Materials on the eLP / ed
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 2 Overview Introduction to the overall programme What is research data? Why is research data management important? How should I manage my data? developing a data management plan What next? directed learning tasks
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 3 Learning outcomes By the end of this session you should: understand why you need to manage research data be aware of the issues surrounding research data management in the health discipline be able to complete an initial plan for managing your own research data
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 4 What is research data? In your PhD 1. what data are you using? 2. what data are you creating?
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 5 What is research data? In your PhD 1. what data are you using? 2. what data are you creating?
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 6 Where is your research data? In your PhD 3. where is the data?
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 7 Where is your research data? In your PhD 3. where is the data?
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 8 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important?
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 9 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important? 1. a requirement
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 10 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important? 1. a requirement 2. to work effectively & efficiently
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 11 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important? 1. a requirement 2. to work effectively & efficiently 3. to protect it Courtesy of Mike Flanagan business/security.html business/security.html
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 12 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important? 1. a requirement 2. to work effectively & efficiently 3. to protect it 4. for use and/or re-use
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 13 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important? Portion of the original map created by Dr. John Snow 1. a requirement 2. to work effectively & efficiently 3. to protect it 4. for use and/or re-use
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 14 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important? {Google mash up of data} Dr John Snow’s location of cholera infections in London,(1840s) by address (Courtesy: Ed Parsons, Google Europe) 1. a requirement 2. to work effectively & efficiently 3. to protect it 4. for use and/or re-use
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 15 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important? 1. a requirement 2. to work effectively & efficiently 3. to protect it 4. for use and/or re-use 5. to share it Stephen Gray ‘Why should researchers share their data?’ Fanar Haddad ‘Tips for using YouTube in research’
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 16 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important? 1. a requirement 2. to work effectively & efficiently 3. to protect it 4. for use and/or re-use 5. to share it 6. for preservation “digital information lasts forever - or five years, whichever comes first” Jeff Rothenberg, 1995
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 17 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important? 1. a requirement 2. to work effectively & efficiently 3. to protect it 4. for use and/or re-use 5. to share it 6. for preservation 7. because it is good research practice Because good research needs good data Dr Andrew Wakefield et al. (1998 ), Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children, The Lancet, Vol 351 No 9103, pp Sir Cyril Burt ( ) Heritability of intelligence as measured in IQ tests with twins
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 18 Reasons to manage research data Why is research data management important? “Data management is essential to excellence in research” Professor Charlotte Clarke, Associate Dean for Research, School of Health, Community and Education Studies “Apart from the benefits for research, good data management is vital for many reasons: accountability, security, appropriate data- sharing, re-use protocols and preservation for example” Prof Julie McLeod, School of Computing, Engineering & Information Sciences t?view=Standard&news=archive 1. a requirement 2. to work effectively & efficiently 3. to protect it 4. for use and/or re-use 5. to share it 6. for preservation 7. because it is good research practice
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 19 How do I manage my research data? The data lifecycle plan create/ capture analyse & use use / re-use preserve share
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 20 UK Data Archive How do I manage my research data? The data lifecycle
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 21 How do I manage my research data? The data lifecycle plan create/ capture analyse & use use / re-use preserve share
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 22 The Data Management Plan Details about how your research data will be: created & captured managed shared protected and preserved helps you to properly manage your data for your use, meet funder needs & enable sharing
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 23 A Data Management Plan: DCC template ww.dcc.ac.uk/dmponline Minimal version – e.g. for use at the IPA / grant application stage Core version – e.g. developed at the early project stage
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 24 A Data Management Plan: DATUM for Health template Simplified version of the DCC template – for use at any stage of your PhD
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 25 Developing a DM Plan The JUDGE project brief project outline develop a DMP for this project based on the information provided imagine you are the researcher doing this at the start of the project imagine it is starting now
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 26 Developing a DM Plan The JUDGE project discussion about the DMP for this project content process
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 27 Research data management issues what issues arise in managing research data? particularly in relation to qualitative data in the health studies discipline
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 28 Research data management issues what issues arise in managing research data? particularly in relation to qualitative data in the health studies discipline policy / requirements research funders / law ethics consent, what to keep philosophical issues sharing data re-use; security what & how creation, organisation, storage, retention, protection, preservation tools
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data 29 Directed learning Start to develop a DMP for your research use the DATUM for Health template we will review it in Session 2 Watch a RDM video ‘How can researchers ensure that they’ll be able to share, archive or re-use sensitive data?’ Louise Corti, UKDA, Essex University
DATUM for Health – Healthy research needs healthy data Project funded by JISC Copyright holder: Northumbria University, School of Computing, Engineering & Information Sciences, 2011 Materials made freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales license DATUM for Health