Evaluating Erasmus: learning from the student experience of placement in Europe Clive Warn Senior Lecturer, Erasmus Lead, UWE
(what is) Erasmus: context Bologna Process Internationalisation EU student and staff mobility Funding support Formal agreement Organisational culture: investment and mindset Nursing exchange low in UK HE
UWE context 2 partner Universities (nursing) Practice focus: 10 week formative placement, week exchange Total immersion; ‘active rather than passive experience’ Selection criteria and process (AN, CN, MH) Preparation essential (previous cohort, travel, orientation, support) Personal objectives and practice competencies
Student Mobility University of Applied Sciences, Rovaniemi, Finland (commenced 2007) Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway (commenced 2009) Totals Contract places per year 8 (shared between adult and child nursing) 6 (shared between adult and mental health nursing) Places used (to end 2009) Total applications30838 Note: 2 cohorts per year
The experience abroad Some choice of placement Challenge with documentation English language Mentor, student buddy, family CRB, insurance, MRSA, hours in practice EILC
The evaluation: process n= weeks after return Focus groups, written reflective accounts, and presentation: ‘what was your experience as a student nurse on erasmus?’ Themes emerging; – Practice of nursing – Self and professional development – Cultural learning and consciousness
The evaluation: Practice of Nursing ‘Same but different’: roles, relationships, possibilities, perspective Same issues, different solutions: service improvement Loss of comfort leading to new realities (change) Challenged norms/realities e.g., dignity, infection control Communication beyond boundaries, honed assessment Competency driven initially leading to sense of liberation
The evaluation: Self and Professional Development Inseparable Isolated but motivated by the experience Driven by desire to ‘fit in’, high self expectation Proving, self-managing, achievement, overcoming, self-belief Assertion and confidence skills Realisation, knowing, consolidation of knowledge and skill Adapting, flexibility, relaxed outlook (freedom to learn)
The evaluation: Cultural Learning and Consciousness Fitting in, sense of belonging Need for peer support, making sense, familiarity (hub) Being immersed Living in a different country/environment Understanding difference: practice, people, interactions, climate, leading to lived cultural sensitivity Experiencing disjuncture Growing a ‘third eye’
Discussion Overwhelmingly positive experience Selling it Perceived employability Capitalises on motivated individuals (students & staff) Enhanced objectivity Huge untapped development opportunity Finance Preparation: networks, language, culture Organisational commitment Embed in curriculum
Recommendations UK network of coordinators Staff mobility and collaborative work Evaluation post-qualifying Increase activity Integrate further into curriculum
Resources European Commission, Education and Training Cowan, R.B. (2007) An appraisal of European exchange programmes for nursing students. Nursing Standard. 21, 22, Green, B.F., Johansson, I., Rosser, M., Tengnah, C., & Segrott, J. (2008) Studying abroad: A multiple case study of nursing students’ international experiences. Nurse Education Today. 28,