North Tyneside Council Participation and Engagement Team ‘You’re Welcome’ rocks my socks!


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Presentation transcript:

North Tyneside Council Participation and Engagement Team ‘You’re Welcome’ rocks my socks!

Who we are? We are the North Tyneside Young Person’s Health Reference Group. Our main role is to support health services through ‘You’re Welcome’. We are also Young Verifiers, so we are trained to accredit services

What is ‘You’re Welcome’? ‘You’re Welcome’ is a programme that helps health services become more young person friendly. What’s the point? By improving accessibility and the quality of services for young people, ‘You’re Welcome’ empowers young people to access services which meet their needs.

Key areas of ‘You’re Welcome’ Access Publicity Confidentiality and consent The environment Staff training, skills and attitudes Joined up working Monitoring, evaluation and involvement of young people

Why are we involved? United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. –Article 12 –Article 24 Department of health say services should involve young people!

What we have done! In the last two year we have… Been involved in developing Sexual Health services Led on consultation around ‘Healthy Eating’ Conducted verification visits across the borough and beyond Been involved in creating guidelines and protocol for services

What else have we done? As well as this we have.. Delivered training to health professionals Led workshops for children and young people Led workshops for health professionals Bid for funding for to produce resources for young people and for services Supported Services in becoming young person friendly

CD ROM resource We are producing a resource for You’re Welcome for North of Tyne services. Our idea led us to link with young people in Northumberland. Here is a snippet of the artwork we are using throughout the CD ROM.

What we want to do in the future… Expand and recruit! Do more! Stay involved with ‘You’re Welcome’! Spread the word to young people! Get more services in North Tyneside accredited!

What has the project done for you? The project has; Helped us communicate and work with many other people Meet lots of others Be involved in lots of services Learn about health Many of us now want a career in health

Thank you for listening For further information please contact Kat Telfer (Children’s Participation Officer) on (0191) or through Any questions?