North Ridge Medical Practice PPG/GP Practice Survey Results 20 th March 2013 Prepared for North Ridge Medical Practice by the Participation & Insight Team, KMCS. Confidential: Not to be copied or distributed without permission
Survey Objectives 1.Gather a broad range of patient views about the practice 2.Develop an Action Plan to address patient needs and suggestions
What was done and when? The survey was conducted in March Paper surveys were available and patients could also complete the survey online. A total of 91 responses were received 36 were completed on paper 55 were completed online The number of registered patients for North Ridge Medical Practice is 5439 representing a response rate of 2%.
Headlines (1 of 2) The majority (85%) of respondents considered their experience of North Ridge Medical Practice to be ‘very good’ or ‘fairly good’. The majority of respondents (79%) would definitely or probably recommend North Ridge Medical Practice to someone who has just moved to their local area. These findings reflect the trends in the GP National Patient Survey in which 81% of respondents would definitely or probably recommend the surgery to someone who has just moved to the area. Staff were identified by respondents as being particularly good, including doctors, nurses, reception staff and pharmacists (46 respondents).
Headlines (2 of 2) Nearly half of respondents were not aware of the availability of Dispensary Delivery Service. Out of the suggested improvements the most popular was to have online access to medical records. When asked generally for improvements, the most popular comment was to upgrade the surgery, and half of these comments focused on improving the waiting/reception area. Other suggestions included: - having more appointment times available including same day appointments, early morning, evening and weekend. - improving the privacy at reception.
The majority of the respondents were female and the majority were 55 and over Base: Q8 Gender: all responding: 89; Q9 Age: all responding: 89 Gender Age
Respondents were predominantly “White British/Irish” and more than three quarters do not have any children under 16 living at home EthnicityChildren under 16 at Home Base: Q12 Ethnicity: all responding: 89; Q10 Children under 16 at home: all responding: 86
More than half of respondents did not have a long standing illness, disability, or infirmity Base: Q11 Long standing illness, disability or infirmity: all responding: 89
The vast majority of respondents would describe their experience of the surgery as very good or fairly good Excellent care from the staff. Very friendly staff always pleasant and ready to help. Base: Q1 Recommending practice to a friend: 91
The majority of respondents agreed that they would recommend the practice to a friend Doctors and staff are friendly and helpful. Very friendly and welcoming staff. Base: Q7 Recommending practice to a friend: 90
The chart below details the results from the GP National Patient Survey January to September 2012 For full details of the GP National Patient Survey please visit: Q29. Recommending GP surgery to someone who has just moved to the local area Base: 82
Nearly half of respondents were not aware of the availability of Dispensary Delivery Service and a quarter were not aware of the availability of telephone consultations with a GP Base: Q2 Awareness: all responding 90
Respondents thought the quality and care they received was very good but were concerned about the level of privacy at reception, and getting through on the phone quickly Base: Q3 Rating the practice: 90 Very poor Fairly poor Fairly Good Very good
The most popular improvement was to have online access to medical records, but all suggested improvements were highly regarded Base: Q6 Possible improvements: all responding 87
Particularly Good The most popular theme about what was particularly good about the practice was the: Excellent staff, including the doctors, nurses, receptionists and pharmacists (46 respondents). Other themes mentioned by a small number of respondents included being able to book online (5) and being able to get urgent/convenient appointments (5). Base: Q5 Particularly good: all responding 70 The doctors, nurses, receptionists etc are wonderful. The thoroughness and experience of the doctors, level of efficiency and politeness of reception. Online appointment booking.
Improvements (1 of 2) The most popular improvement was to upgrade/modernise the surgery (26 respondents). Of these comments half (13 respondents) focused on upgrading the waiting/reception area. Suggestions for improving this included having more comfortable seating and music playing. Whilst general suggestions for the surgery included improving disabled access, refurbishing the toilet, updating the décor. Base: Q4 Improvements: all responding 68 It would be nice to have soft music playing in the waiting room. Upgrade the property – waiting area seating. Modernise the reception process and facilities
Improvements (2 of 2) Base: Q6 Improvements cont: all responding 80 The next most popular improvement was to have more appointment times available including same day appointments, early morning, evening and weekend (14 respondents). Another less popular theme was to improve the level of privacy at reception (5 respondents). Base: Q4 Improvements cont: all responding 68 More privacy at reception. Make it easier to make appointments that suit working patients commuting to and fro any distance.
The survey generated some interest in joining the vPPG. Base: Q13 Joining PPG: 22 * Some respondents may already be a member of the vPPG
Next Steps Finalise report and share: – With all practice staff – With Patient Participation Group (PPG) Discuss results and develop action plan Agree implementation of action plan Publicise findings and agreed actions to wider patient group Agree timetable for review of performance against action plan