Pro Bono Center for student legal aid services , Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street, 9, room 13 tel.: (499) (499) Beniamin A. Shakhnazarov PhD, professor of Kutafin Moscow State Law University Kutafin Moscow State Law University Center for student legal aid services PRO BONO Pro bono publico — For the public good
Pro Bono History of the Center The Student Center for Legal Aid "Pro Bono" was founded in 2008, based on an agreement signed by the Moscow State Law Academy (now University) and the Moscow Bar Association "Yuracademia: Kutafin and partners." Since February 2011 the Center has become known as the Center for Student Legal Aid "Pro bono". The name of the Center derives comes from the Latin term pro bono publico - for the public good and this statement captures the essence of work of the Law Clinic. The Center for Student Legal Aid "Pro bono" is a division of the University. The Center for Student Legal Aid "Pro Bono" - Law Clinic of the Kutafin Moscow State University.
Pro Bono The law regulating legal aid and the activities of law clinics in the Russian Federation The Federal Law of the Russian Federation from November 21, 2011 of No. 324-FZ "About the free legal aid in the Russian Federation". Procedure for establishing law clinics in higher educational institutions... / Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from November 28, 2012, № 1994 Federal government educational standards for higher professional education aimed towards the preparation Jurisprudence (qualification (grade) "Bachelor's degree") / Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from May 04, 2010, № 464/ Federal government educational standards for higher professional education aimed towards the preparation Jurisprudence (qualification (grade) "Master's degree") / Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from December 14, 2010, № 1763/
Pro Bono Documents, defining the activities of the Center 1 Provisions about the Center for Student Legal Aid approved by the Rector of the University 2 Rules for providing free legal aid 3 Code of conduct for a trainee of the Center for Student Legal Aid
Pro Bono Structure of the Center Director of the Center Deputy Director of the Center Inspectors
Pro Bono Participants of the Center Trainees Students of the University - Bachelor, Master, Specilaists Curators Professors of the University Civil, International private, Employment, Land, Criminal and Civil Law and Criminal litigation Departments
Pro Bono Awarness - raising Center's Activities and purpose Formation of professional skills Consulting Educational Investigational
Pro Bono Consulting activities of the Center Providing free legal aid to socially vulnerable individuals and non- governmental organizations for social welfare
Pro Bono Consulting activities of the Center Consulting Preparation of legal conclusions Interviewing Case analysis 15 days
Pro Bono Educational activities of the Center 1 Teaching about practical lawyer skills 2 Teaching about the specifics of working as a lawyer for different categories of issues 3 Teaching about planning and holding lessons for legal education/ enlightenment
Pro Bono Awareness - raising activities of the Center 1 Holding lessons with school children, college students and universities about the programme "Live Law" 2 Preparing themed publications about legal issues 3 Holding seminars and conferences
Pro Bono Integration of legal clinic in to educational process Educational process B E C D A Practice Elective courses Additional courses Methodical ware, courseware Project activities Consulting Live law Observers at Court Law journalism Etc. Practical lawyer skills Lawyer work features in civil law cases Lawyer work features in the social field Etc.
Pro Bono Thank you , Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street, 9, room 13 tel.: (499) (499) Pro bono publico — For the public good