Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations The Cumbria Local Sites Partnership and NI 197 Richard Newman Environmental Planning Manager Cumbria County Council
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Cumbria Local Sites Partnership (CLoSP) Established April 2008 Currently comprises: –Local Authorities (including National Parks) –Natural England –RIGS Group –Cumbria Wildlife Trust
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Context
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Strategic position of CLoSP
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Environment and Heritage Thematic Partnership 1 To provide support to the Cumbria Strategic Partnership on environment and heritage matters: Drawing the attention of the Partnership to key priorities and issues for action for both the CSP and its other Thematic Partnerships; Supporting the Partnership in its championing of interest of Cumbria’s environment and heritage; Supporting the Partnership in providing a Cumbria wide focus for environment and heritage issues. 2To assist the further development of the environment and heritage elements of the Cumbria Local Area Agreement. 3To have consideration in development work for the cross cutting outcomes of the Local Area Agreement. 4To support the Partnership in performance managing an agreed set of actions arising from the Community Strategy and the Cumbria Local Area Agreement. 5To have regard to the governance arrangements for the purposes of delivering the Local Area Agreement. This will include arrangements for decision making on partnership priorities and fund management. 6Working with other Thematic Partnerships to secure sustainable development for Cumbria.
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Calculating the baseline “NI 197: Improved Local Biodiversity – proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management has been or is being implemented.” Local Sites = Local Wildlife Sites + RIGS X/Y x 100 Where X = No. sites in positive management. Where Y = Total number of ratified sites.
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Cumbria’s baseline and improvement targets Baseline 27% of all local sites currently in positive management Target 3% per annum Outcome by the end of March % of Cumbria’s local sites will be in positive management
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Data collated for NI 197 reporting Wildlife Site citations and RIGS translated into database format. New GIS datasets: –Agri-environment schemes –Forestry schemes –Land ownership
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations MAP LINK GIS Wildlife Sites RIGS CUMBRIA LOCAL SITES DATABASE SYSTEM CMS Wildlife Sites RIGS LIBRARY LINK SURVEY REPORTS Other Site Information SITE IMAGES WEBSITE Public Access Secure Restricted Access RECORDER Biological Records Other GIS Deleted sites Potential new sites REPORTS – CITATIONS PLANNING DATABASE
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Immediate benefits of new system development Collation of historic data into useable form. Clean-up of Wildlife Sites data; more accurate and detailed information for stakeholders. Ability to query Wildlife Sites data on: –Ratification & survey status of sites. –Criteria for which sites selected. –NVC habitat codes (where available).
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations What next? Further development of CMS. Large update Spring Ownership module – collation of ownership data. Development of reporting templates and batch production of reports. Citations for all sites made available to partners on Web. Get RECORDER data “cleaned-up” and linked to CMS. Target wildlife sites for ratification and RIGS for monitoring
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Summary PurposePurpose: to improve local biodiversity Delivery body: CLoSP working with RIGS group. Wildlife Sites Selection Panel, BAP Partnership and Biodiversity Data Network Performance measure: NI 197
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations And at a strategic level Policy framework: Community Strategy Policy delivery mechanism: Local Area Agreement Performance evaluation: Comprehensive Area Assessment
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations But never forget the real purpose of all this….