St James’ Catholic High School Finchley Catholic High School Governance at St James’ Presentation by: Neville Haneef - Chair St James' Catholic High School Science & Sports College ‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full’ John 10:10
Composition of St James’ Governing Body Foundation Governors7 Foundation – Parent2 Staff (including Headteacher)3 Elected Parent-Governor3 Local Authority appointment1 TOTAL 16 Associate GovernorUnder discussion
RE and Curriculum Admissions Pupils Wellbeing Resources Staffing Leader’s Strategy All Committee: with elected leaders supported by the Clerk to the Governors
Headteacher performance review panel (2 nominated governors) Standing Committee (Admissions Appeal/Staff Appeal) Responsible Officer
Curriculum Area: RE English + Media studies (6 th Form) Mathematics Sports and Science ICT PE Technology (Design Technology, Construction, Food) MFL Art Performance Arts History + Politics 6 th Form) Geography + Travel & Tourism (6 th Form) Business (Business studies, economics, vocational business) Hairdressing Law (6 th Form) SEN (CAST, enriched curriculum) Gifted & talented Personal Development curriculum (Careers, citizenship, PSHE, work related)
Attendance at scheduled meetings Monitoring & Challenge Headteacher reports Working with SLT and staff Governing Body reports Focus on particular areas of the curriculum Policy, statements and documents Participation in school activities Development and training