Possible directions for NC sensitivity Philip Rodrigues April 2008 Minos collaboration meeting, Sussex
2 Introduction How might we improve sterile sensitivity? More generally, what affects our sensitivity? Investigate by fitting f sterile model with high-stats fake data –Ease of interpretation – can add other models later –Δ m 2 =2.38, sin 2 2 θ =1, f s =0, high stats fake data scaled to 2.5e20 pot –TO selection, 1 NC and 1 CC spectrum unless stated Caveat: Only statistical sensitivity.
3 Energy measures Optimal shower energy resolution (0%!) True neutrino energy!! NC events smeared by y*shwRes – this says latter is small (relatively) Not just a counting experiment Worse! Because Eshw!=nuEnergyNC
4 PID “Magic” PID that selects NC with e=p= 1 –Improves CC too, since no BG there Improvements possible in principle. In practice, probably not
5 y Distribution Split NC sample at y=0.5,0.7 Not so useful – this splits the CC background in the same way –Wouldn’t happen for a real y-dependent variable
6 Conclusions No obvious easy way to improve sensitivity yet
7 Bonus slide Energy correction function for E shw : –Used in CC. Is it useful for NC? CC: E nu =E mu +E shw –E nu resolution degrades if (reco E shw – true E shw ) is fn of E shw NC: Just E shw, so true → reco matrix takes care of it