West London Children’s Efficiency Programme LAC & Care Leavers Overview
Why we need to work together Coalition Government Deficit Reduction Programme Impact of Comprehensive Spending Review (October 2010 and June 2013) – Local Government worst hit AGAIN! Consequences – Councils continue to face high reductions in budgets Statutory duty to ensure sufficiency of local placements for children in care – Likely to be strengthen in coming months following the outcome of a DfE consultation that is currently running Can’t achieve it without working together – West London Alliance
What is the West London Alliance An informal partnership comprising at its core Barnet, Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon and Hounslow Hammersmith & Fulham, Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea are partners in some programmes Clear governance: Leaders and Chief Executives set strategy and policy Lead Chief Executive and Financial Director for each main efficiency and improvement programme Funding by contributions by boroughs and from grants awarded Monthly Directors of Children’s Services Board provides direction and accountability. LAC Commissioning Managers Board is responsible for delivery against priorities
Children’s Services Areas of focus: Special Educational Needs (SEN) - £50m pa Looked After Children & Care Leavers (LAC): £70m pa external spend on placements £25 pa million internal spend on placements £95 million on placements for looked after children and care leavers March WL Councils looked after 2338 children in care - 3.8% of the total children in care population for England and Wales. Data sharing across West London showed boroughs are being charged different prices for the same care by the same providers By working together we can obtain that care more efficiently without impacting on quality Understanding how we buy and how we work with the market can unlock innovation and create opportunities to achieve more than working alone
Vision ‘To increase the quality and value for money boroughs achieve from the Children’s private and voluntary sector by working together’
DCS Programme Board Assistant Director’s Group LAC Commissioning Managers Group IFA Project Group Residential Development LAC/Care Leavers Commissioning Strategy Parent & Child Assessment Semi Independent Provision
Looked After Children in West London
WLA Total Numbers of LAC excluding Short Break Placements 2009/ / /
WLA LAC Forecast for next 5 years
Children’s Efficiency Programme LAC & Care Leavers Categories: Fostering Residential P&C Assessment Care Leavers Business Plan Benefit’s Realisation Market Intelligence: Placement Data (CarePlace??) Provider Capacity/Capability Provider Bus Dev Plans Commissioning Strategy: Short/Medium/Long Term Current/Future Needs (demand) Links to Internal Services Local/National Policy Market Engagement: Forums Co-Production Commercial Negotiation/Development Contract/Performance Management
Residential Development Block Contract Contract/ Performance Management (Block/Spot) Local Spot Development Commercial Negotiation with Spot Providers Joint Funded Placements (SEN/Health) Procurement Vehicle (Spot Purchasing) Internal Cost/Supply Residential
Semi Independence Select List (Spot Purchasing) Local Spot Development Ceiling Rates/Cap Supported Lodgings Staying Put (Link to Fostering) Housing Benefit Housing Supply Standard T&C’s and Spec Commercial Negotiations with Spot Providers Performance/ Contract Management (Select List/Block/Spot) Semi Block Contract (SP Framework ) Internal Cost/Supply of Semi
Fostering Call-Off Blocks of Service (Framework) Internal Cost/Supply of Fostering Alternative Models of Delivery (SE/Mutual) Staying Put (Link to Semi) Sub-Regional Recruitment Opportunities Commercial Negotiation with Spots IFA Framework Local IFA Capacity Development Performance/ Contract Management (Framework)