Welcome Separated Parents Information Programme Development Event
Housekeeping Fire arrangements Phones Facilities Badges information C&P Team available to help you
10.15 – Registration and coffee, allocation of workshop groups and afternoon sessions Key note address “Governments response to Family Justice Review & steps towards a Family Justice Services” Fiona Green Head of Commissioning, Cafcass PIP Progress report & developments with PIP Plus Mike Coote National Commissioning and Partnerships Manager Cafcass & Eileen Pereira, Manager, Surrey Family Mediation Services – Taking PIP forward, learning from research, PIP version 2 Janet Reibstein, Psychologist/Psychotherapist. University of Exeter, School of Psychiatry Workshop groups - Using PIP V Lunch Networking and best practise exercise Feedback from best practise exercise Yvonne Martin Commissioning & Partnership Manager Presentation “The influence of Behaviour Modification Treatment in the PIP programme “ Session One “What is working for us “, facilitated session to share information about what worked well with both in delivery and management of the programme. Penny Mansfield, Director One plus One Mike Coote & Janet Reibstein & Penny Mansfield Session Two “Monitoring & data development and its input into delivery of quality services” Helen Carson Business Support, Carrie Mills Performance Analyst & Yvonne Martin 3.15 – 3.45PlenaryFiona Green
Family Justice Review and Government response Fiona Green Head of Commissioning & Partnership
Well done & thank you 96% of parents who attended a PIP agreed that facilitators where well prepared and knowledgeable.
Service user feed back Q national +_ I found the support book helpful and informative 84%4.6% I am more aware about how children respond to divorce and separation. 88%9% I am now more aware of the impact conflict can have on children 87%10% I was able to think about and discuss what children need during divorce and separation 91%5% I have gained additional knowledge and skills that will help me as a separated parent 84%12.4 I was able to identify one or more changes that I have made or would like to make 91%5% I’ve thought about how I might develop a business-like relationship with my ex-partner 75%19% I am considering mediation as an alternative to court 25.8%24.2% The trainer was well-prepared and knowledgeable 96.2%1% The trainer treated me fairly, regardless of gender, race, or any other diversity issues 96%0.8%
Governments response to FJR The Government supports the majority of the 134 recommendation of the FJR, however a large number are subject to further work. Many of the recommendation impact on both Public and Private Law. Cafcass to sit within the MOJ (with close relationship with DfE). Major, system-wide reforms Family Justice Board will over see this work and Cafcass will be represented by Anthony Douglas
Key Principals of reform Welfare of the child is paramount Best place for brining up children is nearly always the family In private law problems should be resolved out of court Children's needs come first. Children’s voices to be heard Must protect vulnerable children Must all work together Judicial independence to be maintained
Headlines “Supporting families to reach their own arrangements away from court” Alternative dispute resolution to be dispute resolution Parenting Agreements(PA’s), strong focus on the uses of PA’s Full and continuing relationship with both parents –best interests and safe Mediation case management/key practitioner role pre court.
Legislative change Contact & residence orders to be replaced with Child Arrangement Order Limited reform on substantive law on Financial Orders to consider needs and non marital property Wider enforcement power are being considered. Further statutory reform to reinforce Pre Application protocol for MIAM Not said no to legislative change to introduce shared parenting arrangements.
Cultural Change Greater understanding of parental responsibility for the outset. The Government believes that over time education and changes to processes will mean more people use non court dispute resolution service, and mediation in particular. Role of grandparents to be reinforced. Will be able to access PIP and other DRS. Shared Parenting still on the agenda
Process change Information Hub, online support, telephone support line. Breach of orders FHDRA to be retained from which further work will be allocated as “simple or complex” track according to complexity Introduction of a tracking system Same Judge to ensure strong case management. PIP to be available pre court.
Changes within Non Government bodies Review of Family Mediation Council(FMC) Relationship services to be given higher profile
Court Application First Hearing – safety checks by Cafcass Cafcass reports / court decision making Court application / adversarial process Parenting Agreement focussed process Legal advice Court ControlMediation PIP Mediat ion Information Hub Mediator control Mediator assessment PIP Dispute resolution Court Application Court Control Parenting Agreement
Thanks you again enjoy the day.
Plenary Key messages from workshops and sessions.
Thank You Travel Safe