CHILDRENS PRIMARY SCHOOL OF FELETTO HAVE EXPLORED“MOM AND DAD AT SCHOOL IN THE PAST” Istituto Comprensivo di Tavagnacco (Udine) Italy Comenius Project “Europe through my eyes”
Here we are!
“ I went to the primary school in the eighties. My teacher, called Franca, was very kind. In the classroom we were about thirty children and we went to the school every morning from Monday to Saturday. We were wearing a uniform with a black apron and white collar…” Parents tell:
“ The school was in Colugna street. My teacher was Bruno Forte..” We spent a lot of exciting time with him!” “ My teacher of the primary school was Mrs. Mary. I loved her!”
“ I was in 1 ^ B of the primary school – Carducci – in Udine…”
“ I was in the primary school in Borghetto Santo Spirito, in Savona and my teacher ‘ s name was Rosanna…”
“ I went to the school walking on my own… the primary school is a chapter of my life that will always remain in my heart…”
PUPILS “ is hard to believe that mom and dad were kids at school !...”