Dig Deep Machu Picchu Expedition
Dig Deep – What they do – How they do it The Expedition – The challenge – Why I’m doing it
History – Dig Deep Registered Charity No Provide sustainable solutions to problems faced by communities in Kenya Been running 4 years: – Clean Sustainable Water Supply to Over 25,000 People – Renewable Cooking Gas Supplies to 5 Schools and Orphanages Have done this by working alongside these Communities, Local Government and other Charities Committed to low running costs so they can do more with your money
Water Projects Why? – More than half of Kenya's 31 million people lack access to any kind of safe water – Tens of thousands of Kenyans—many of them children—die each year due to the lack of safe water
What would you rather?
Many people have no choice…
…but with your help they can
Shallow Wells
Rain water harvesting
The importance of clean water.… Health: diseases such as typhoid, dysentery, amoebae and trachoma are drastically Gender Empowerment: women and girls no longer have to walk up to 12 miles to collect water. Education: the fact that girls no longer have to travel for hours to collect water means that they are able to receive an education. Economic: better able to sustain their livestock through drought.
Renewable Energy = Sustainability No Running Costs Lowest Possible Maintenance Costs Environmentally Sustainable Local Ownership
Case Study Endonyo Rinka Primary School There are 700 students currently attending - plans to expand to cater for 1,000 students. Local Community just built two new dormitories and a canteen. These now mean that the school has boarding facilities for 200 students (50% of whom are girls). However, these new dormitories were unable to open due to lack of water access.
Lived in Endonyo Rinka his whole life Has been chairman of the school for just over 10 years To see short video of interview follow this YouTube link Video Interview with Jonathan Ol Kuman
Biogas Projects What is a biogas digester? – turns manure into a renewable cooking gas supply through capturing methane – also produce organic fertilizer – no maintenance or running costs
How far would you want to carry this?
Why biogas? Environmental – Deforestation is a huge problem in Kenya – Main effect is the disruption of the water cycle – Biogas is carbon neutral - the methane would be released into the atmosphere naturally through decomposition if it wasn't used in the digester Health –no longer have to inhale the fumes from fire wood. Gender Empowerment – women and girls no longer have to carry heavy firewood for miles on their backs. Education – the fact that girls no longer have to travel for hours to collect fire wood means that they are able to receive an education Economic – large sums of money are saved every year by minimising the need for firewood consumption and providing organic fertiliser to grow additional food.
HOW DIG DEEP WORKS Work with local partners – E.g. our patron is Agnes Pareyio, first female Maasai councillor and UN Person of the Year 2005 With with Local communities – they are involved in every aspect of the project – from initial planning to long term maintenance Projects constructed using local technology, materials and labour Is very cost effective Benefits local economy
Low Running Costs Staffed almost entirely by volunteers – will only have 1 paid member of staff In UK - no offices In Kenya - live and travel in the same way as local people
MACHU PICCHU The Fabled Lost City of the Incas
The Expedition 22 Sheffield Uni Students Aiming to raise £17,000 for Dig Deep’s next project My personal target is to raise £1480 for Dig Deep and a further £1480 to cover my costs to do the expedition.
Its tough… Will be trekking at over 4,200m Altitude sickness… Walking from the deepest canyons to cloud forest
Can you help me hit my target to make Dig Deep’s next project happen? Thank you