Electronic Prescription Service Moving to Release 2 Michelle Greatrex Senior Implementation Manager Health and Social Care Information Centre Rachel Habergham EPS Programme Head
EPS Release 2 is here > 5,247,229 patient nominations 17% GP practices enabled (1381) 92% pharmacies enabled (10,685) >37,381,000 items dispensed and claimed electronically
What is the electronic prescription service. Electronically created and digitally signed prescription created at GP Practice and sent to the EPS service Prescriptions downloaded into pharmacy system, dispensed and confirmation of dispensation sent to EPS Service Submission of electronic claims to the NHS Prescription services
EPS functionality Nomination Electronic signatures Electronic What it can do for you Electronic submission of reimbursement endorsements Electronic repeat dispensing Electronic cancellation
Preparing for EPS Release 2
Find out when your local GP’s are going live Speak with your local practice to agree how you will work together after the go live. Build relationships with your local GP practice Joint business change sessions may be arranged to include the GP practice and local pharmacies.
Talk to your supplier Business continuity Training, training, training. The right training, for the right staff at the right time. Helpdesk numbers, who are you going to call? How do you escalate a call if you are unhappy with a response? Business continuity encourage pharmacies not to just run straight back to the practice for paper whenever there is an issue, it’s more often than not a training issue as we know. Practices then start to lose faith in the system even though they’re doing their bit okay
Capture Nominations Talk to patients, capture nominations and manage expectations
About Nomination Patients need to nominate It is flexible Patients can have 3 nominations Community Pharmacy Dispensing Appliance Contractor Dispensing GP Patients need to nominate Once a patient has set a nomination, their prescriptions will be sent electronically to their nominated pharmacy or DAC. It is flexible A patient can choose to add, remove or change a nomination at any point, either at their GP, any pharmacy of any DAC. A carer or representative can nominate on behalf of a patient Digital by default Assume everyone is eligible unless there is a reason. Patients on repeat medication will see most benefit, whilst those who attend their GP practice once or twice a year may not be suitable. Nominate up to 3 Patients can have a nomination set for one Community Pharmacy, one Dispensing Appliance Contractor and one Dispensing Doctor
Principles of Nomination Provide sufficient information No incentives Capture and record promptly New Standard Operating Procedure
Communicate Discuss, get consent Ask patients collecting Use posters and leaflets Staple forms to bags Involve your driver Discuss, get consent Make sure staff are able to explain nomination to patients and what it will mean for them. Nomination audits Ask patients collecting Use posters and leaflets Staple forms to bags If you use nomination forms stable them to prescription bags, if not use leaflets. Involve your driver
Smartcards Ensure all relevant staff have Smartcards Ensure that all staff who need to set patient nominations have the correct access: B0825 - Amend Patient Demographics
Dispensing Tokens Ensure you understand how to order dispensing tokens, and make sure you have a supply importance of pharmacies getting a stock of dispensing tokens in (and understanding the ordering process), and this has caused issues (or frantic last minute deliveries) in a number of my go lives….
Dispensing tokens barcode standard text will be printed in the signature box to prevent it from being hand signed
EPS Release 1 Use EPS R1 to prepare for EPS R2 “Scan when you can!” A big help when you want to record nominations importance of pharmacies getting a stock of dispensing tokens in (and understanding the ordering process), and this has caused issues (or frantic last minute deliveries) in a number of my go lives….
Hardware Checks Check hardware: Scanners Printers Smartcard readers importance of pharmacies getting a stock of dispensing tokens in (and understanding the ordering process), and this has caused issues (or frantic last minute deliveries) in a number of my go lives….
Check NHS Choices Check your pharmacy details are up to date on the following: NHS choices If not contact NHS Prescription Services in the first instance: nhsbsa.eps-support@nhs.net Then if the details are correct at NHS PS, contact NHS Choices: thechoicesteam@nhschoices.nhs.uk In your pharmacy system, check that you can see the correct F code. Call your supplier if you are unsure.
Business Change Consider the local processes you need Dispensing & downloading electronic prescriptions Dispensing tokens Electronic cancellation Electronic endorsement and patient declarations Electronic claims and end of month process
Take a look at the EPS website www.hscic.gov.uk/epsmap
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