Dr Theresa Eynon MRCPsych MRCGP CLAHRC Clinical Translation Fellow WLCCG
The Mind the Body and the NHS Change the behaviour and the thoughts will follow Outcomes or process? Monitor the outcomes and the service will improve
Patients who because of lifestyle and social conditions tend to be high users of services in an unplanned way. They are often labelled as using services “inappropriately” but this can be because of a lack of understanding, or chaotic life events. It prevents them from getting the best from the support available to them. They include patients with mental health problems, learning disabilities, and drug or alcohol addictions.
85yr old lady I have no reason to go out anymore Painful feet Seeking medical help and avoiding movement Low mood Little dog dies
Effective psychosocial interventions identified in reviews tend to show three characteristics: ◦ They have a clear structure/model/plan. ◦ They have a focus on problems of relevance to the patient/client. ◦ They build on the relationship with the practitioner.
They will be supported to self care, have more confidence and control over their condition and understand the impact it will have on their lives. There will be a genuine shift towards addressing a person’s full range of needs, including psychological and emotional support, rather than simply focusing on a medical model. (Department of Health, 2010)
Who could help this person? What skills will they need? How could you measure whether or not the team had helped this patient? ◦ Wellbeing measures, PHQ9, GAD7 ◦ Physical measures HbA1C, BMI, walking distance ◦ Social measures WASA, return to work, PROM ◦ Service measures LTC6
diabetic review increased metformin 3m ago increased HbA1C 8.0 increased weight 7k BMI 40.1 Painful knees
Motivational interviewing skills Simplified behavioural CBT models suitable for primary care Patient centred outcome models Compassionate mind or intelligent kindness?
What are the organisational and professional barriers to providing person-centred outcome measured services? How could these be overcome? What training do professionals need to have to help them integrate physical and mental health care?
Hugh Griffiths – DoH at PRIMHE 2011 We need to measure outcomes that matter in people’s lives The person at the centre care is in the best position from which to measure the effectiveness of “person-centred” care services