Finding North by the Pole Star 3 Star Map and Compass Lesson 4
How do you set a compass for night marching? Revision How do you set a compass for night marching? The method is the same as that explained earlier, that is to take a magnetic bearing by daylight, or a grid bearing from the map, and convert it to a magnetic bearing. Now set the graduated circle to the appropriate bearing at the Line of Travel and turn the whole compass until the north end of the compass needle coincides with the letter N. Hold the compass in front of you and march in the direction of the Line of Travel Arrow. So long as the needle and the North Arrow coincide the Direction of Travel Arrow will remain on the required bearing. 0305MAC04PP
The Aim The aim of this lesson is to teach you how to find North using the stars, this will help you when your navigating a route at night. The aim of this lesson is to teach you how to find North using the stars, this will help you when your navigating a route at night. 0305MAC04PP
The Great Bear or Plough Finding North North Star (Polaris) In the northern hemisphere the North Star (Polaris) indicates the position of True North to within 2°. It is a bright star and can be found by producing a line from the two end stars, or ‘pointers’ of the Plough or Great Bear. The North Star will be found slightly off this line on the side furthest from the remaining stars of the Great Bear and at about five times the distance between the two pointers. The Great Bear or Plough The Two Pointers 0305MAC04PP
Finding North TIME 04:00 02:00 00:00 22:00 20:00 0305MAC04PP The Plough or Great Bear rotates round the night sky as time goes on throughout the night. Also the starting position changes as the time of year changes. 0305MAC04PP
Questions? Finding North 0305MAC04PP What is the name of the star constellation that indicates the pole star? Great Bear or Plough How many times the distance between the pointers is the pole star? Five Does the Plough or Great bear rotate around the North/Pole Star depending on time of year and time at night? Yes 0305MAC04PP
Summary Finding North 0305MAC04PP There you have learnt how to find North at night using the stars. Look forward to Practical Practice Periods. 0305MAC04PP
Finding North END 0305MAC04PP