Tweeting, Twittering & Twitterdom Dr Matthew Coxon
1.To introduce you to the basic tools of twitter; and 2.To share insights and ideas on how twitter may support your teaching. 2 Aims of the next 45 minutes
In the first half of this workshop we will: Follow; Tweet; Retweet; Use hashtags; and Use link shorteners. 3 The basic tools of Twitter
4 Now you can… Follow; Tweet; Retweet; Use hashtags; and Use link shorteners.
Twitter has two general functions: 1.Finding information (your feed) 2.Sharing information (your tweets) 5 So what is twitter for generally?
It has many different uses including: Research; Interaction; Dissemination; Self-promotion; Reflection; Engagement; Feedback; Networking; and so on. 6 And how is Twitter used?
Live-tweeting of reflections/comments/questions Pilot study at conference Made use of hashtags Projected on to wall during 45 min session Ten users, 54 tweets 7 Example 1 (Ebner, 2009)
Continuous student evaluations of course Closed system created (no public views) Students anonymous Class ratings + 1 good thing/1 bad thing/general comments 19/20 took part on a regular basis 8 Example 2 (Stieger et al., 2010)
Multiple Uses: announcements; discussions; personal/academic support; organisation of projects/groups; and assignments. Experimental group vs. control group; Positive effect on student engagement ratings; and Positive effect on marks. 9 Example 3 (Junco et al., 2011)
Have you heard of other practices? Or had an idea yourself? Now is the time to share! 10 Any other ideas?
Provide training on basic skills/tools; Ensure relevance to summative work; and/or Demonstrate value for specific topic/module/course. 11 What considerations are there?
You now know how to tweet, to follow, to reply, to mention, and to retweet, making use of link shorteners and hashtags to do everything in 140 characters; This can be used to help engage, motivate, and inform students, get feedback, aid collaboration, encourage creativity, and develop reflection. 12 Summary
twitter-basics/ basics0.html 13 Twitter basics
Ebner, M. (2009). Introducing live microblogging: how single presentations can be enhanced by the mass. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 2(1), Stieger, S., & Burger, C. (2010). Let's go formative: continuous student ratings with Web 2.0 application Twitter. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 13(2), Junco, R., Heiberger, G., & Loken, E. (2011). The effect of Twitter on college student engagement and grades. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(2), Examples from education