What do you want to know and be able to do as a result of this session?
Understand the wide picture of pupil premium funding Clarity about what might be missing in the lives of some of our children Closing the gap Making the case for additional funding for RE
Hart and Risley (1995) found that the first two- and-a-half years are crucial: - Children of professional families hear 11 million words - Children of families on welfare hear three million words
“This was our most surprising discovery: that the size of the differences between families in the amount of talk to babies is so enormous – and that those differences add up to massive advantages or disadvantages for children in language experience long before they start preschool.
By the age of five a middle class child has heard 32 million words more than a child from a deprived background.”
Essential to look at the evidence of what makes a difference Top of the list are: quality feedback meta cognition and self regulation Peer tutoring High quality homework
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