Colloque “Le Plein Air a l’École” FEEPEQ - April 25-28, 2013 Report Presented at Intercegep Risk Management Conference June 13-14, 2013 Anthony Berkers
Summary Who? P. Daigle’s research Review of Adventure/OE leader competencies (Priest & Gass) & History Grade-level Round tables Review of Legal Issues (Court Cases & Negligence) Micro-program presentations (INAQ, Outaouais Cegep, Shebrooke Cegep, Milton Park) +2 day workshops (LNT, FQCK, FQME, Orienteering…)
P. Daigle’s review of OE at Cegep Level in Quebec – The Teachers 88 respondents from 62 (of 84) Cegeps in QC ~80% of Cegeps doing some form of OE in PE Many are new to the field (37% 0-4 years, 17% 5-9 years) A wide range of professional training (e.g. 18% have no first aid, only 30% have wilderness first aid, few have OE specific higher education degrees, 35% had no previous professional leadership in the outdoors)
P. Daigle – Courses & Intentions Most common activities: Hiking, Canoe Camping, Cross-country skiing, Snowshoeing, Alpine skiing In all course types (101, 102, 103) – % of activity choice 15%-25% – Overall ~15% of total classes Pedagogical Intentions: RECREATIONEDUACTION Personal Growth Therapy
P. Daigle – course content Review of 30 course documents (syllabus, assessments, class notes…) in 11 cegeps Most reflect development of technical skills Autonomy: stated outcome vs. reality (as defined by CQL standard)
AE/OE Leadership competencies
1.Technical skills 2.Safety skills 3.Environmental skills 4.Effective Communication 5.Flexible Leadership Style 6.Professional Ethics 7.Instructional skills 8.Organizational skills 9.Problem Solving 10.Decision Making 11.Experience-Based Judgement 12.Facilitation Skills
AE/OE Leadership competencies PE training Teaching, Organization, Professional Ethics, Flexible LD Style…
AE/OE Leadership competencies MUST HAVES (new and ongoing training) Technical skills, Safety skills, Environmental Skills, Experience-Based Judgment PE training Teaching, Organization, Professional Ethics, Flexible LD Style
AE/OE Leadership competencies The Cream Facilitation, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Effective Communication MUST HAVES Technical skills, Safety skills, Environmental Skills, Experience-Based Judgment PE training (+ above) Teaching, Organization, Professional Ethics, Flexible LD Style
Cegep Round Tables Considered issue of rations, transportation, logistics… Heterogeneity is the norm Great Enthusiasm & Relief
Concluding Ideas Heterogeneity is the norm in Cegeps Review CQL school standards Consider fostering OE presence in APEQ Gain more grounded legal understanding Attend & present at future FEEPEQ Colloques (Jan. 2014)