CSEP - CPT Weight Management12006 Version 2.0 CSEP-Certified Personal Trainer (CSEP-CPT) Weight Management
CSEP - CPT Weight Management22006 Version 2.0 Weight Management Key Concepts: , Appendix D
CSEP - CPT Weight Management32006 Version 2.0 Obesity Trends* Among Canadian Adults CCHS, 2003 Source: P.T. Katzmarzyk, Unpublished Results. Data from: Statistics Canada. Health Indicators, June, No Data <10% 10%-14% 15-19% 20% (*BMI 30, or ~ 30 lbs overweight for 5’4” woman)
CSEP - CPT Weight Management42006 Version 2.0 energy in EQUALS energy out foodexercise Energy Balance Describe a person who is in a positive energy balance. Describe a person who is in a negative energy balance.
CSEP - CPT Weight Management52006 Version 2.0 Healthy Weight Loss Weight loss of no more than kg (1-2 lb) per week. Weight loss of no more than kg (1-2 lb) per week. »Recommended 1 lb per week. 1 lb (0.5 kg) of fat = 3500 kcal Therefore, to lose body weight… » energy intake by 250 kcal/day » physical activity by 250 kcal/day »Negative energy balance by 500 kcal/day »RESULT: 1 lb (0.5 kg) of fat loss/week
CSEP - CPT Weight Management62006 Version 2.0 Remember… Energy Expenditure Equations energy (kcal) burned with exercise depends on oxygen consumption (or MET level), body mass & duration: kcal = METs x 3.5 x body mass (kg) * t (min) 200 or… kcal= VO 2 (mL. kg -1. min -1 ) x body mass (kg) * t (min) 200
CSEP - CPT Weight Management72006 Version 2.0 Energy Expenditure Tables “Compendium of Physical Activities” The latest (updated) version of this compendium by Ainsworth et al contains absolute energy expenditures associated with 605 different types of physical activity (including activities of daily living). »Ainsworth, B. E., W. L. Haskell, et al. (2000). "Compendium of physical activities: an update of activity codes and MET intensities." Med Sci Sports Exerc 32(9 Suppl): S A revised/brief version of various activities and associated energy expenditures can be found in Warburton et al. CMAJ 174(7): , 2006.
CSEP - CPT Weight Management82006 Version 2.0 Example Prescription Using Energy Expenditure Client Background »68 yr old female (70 kg) with no previous exercise pattern. No physical limitations to exercise. Goal »Start an exercise program and try to maintain it. Preferred Activities »Low intensity exercise, 7 days per week. Walking and gardening. Target »expend 1000 Kcal per week Prescription (per day) »Walking (2 mph) 30 min = 88 kcal (daily) »Weeding the garden for 30 min = 158 kcal (twice weekly) »Watering the garden for 20 min = 44 kcal (twice weekly) »TOTAL1020 kcal
CSEP - CPT Weight Management92006 Version 2.0 Effects of Severe Energy Restriction Body thinks it is starving BMR may by 45% Body gets efficient at storing fat Become lethargic usually = in activity
CSEP - CPT Weight Management Version 2.0 Weight Loss Strategies DO EXERCISE regularly follow CANADA FOOD GUIDE set REALISTIC weight loss goals REDUCE total fat intake consume MORE fruits and veggies INCREASE water consumption DON’T think there is a magic pill go on a severe low-calorie diet replace real food with a meal in a can
CSEP - CPT Weight Management Version 2.0 Advantages of Exercise in Weight Loss Maximizes fat loss & minimizes muscle loss BMR metabolic rate during and AFTER activity bone density HDL (good) cholesterol, LDL (bad)
CSEP - CPT Weight Management Version 2.0 Read Appendix D! CSEP-CPT Study Guide Appendix D.