Investment Statistics in Canada Direct Real Estate Investors, Inc. 2010
The Reality of Average Canadian Finances 32% of working Canadians have begun to save for retirement Only 36 % say they are planning, or have an actual plan for retirement, down from 42% in 2008 The average Canadians feels that they can't afford to save for retirement. Ispos Reid, RBC's 20th annual RRSP poll shows, Canadian Securities Administrator
The Reality of Average Canadians 53% of respondents believe that their financial goals are either somewhat short, or nowhere near close to what they need for retirement. This statistic is up 36% from 2007 Ispos Reid, RBC’s 20th annual RRSP poll shows, Canadian Securities Administrator
Intentions Vs. Reality 80% of adult Canadians agree that it is their responsibility to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to make investment decisions 84% recognize the need for reliable, unbiased information about investing Only 32% have actually sought information on investing. Ispos Reid, RBC’s 20th annual RRSP poll shows, Canadian Securities Administrator
Canadians Who are 45 and Older 64% agree that having a written investment plan with clear goals is important. 39% have less than $50,000 saved 31% of those aged 39 to 54 don't have an RRSP or any type of investment plan at all! Ispos Reid, RBC’s 20th annual RRSP poll shows, Canadian Securities Administrator
Average Canadian After Tax Savings 1985: Saved 15.8% 1995: Saved 9.2% 2003: Saved 1.4% 2009: The average Canadian is saving even less, while personal debt is skyrocketing. Ispos Reid, RBC’s 20th annual RRSP poll shows, Canadian Securities Administrator
Intentions Vs. Reality 41% of Canadians intend to retire before age 60 50%+ of people in that group have no idea where the money will come from in order to achieve this goal. 38% of current retired Canadians lack funds sufficient enough to sustain the lifestyle to which they have been accustomed. Ispos Reid, RBC’s 20th annual RRSP poll shows, Canadian Securities Administrator
Intentions Vs. Reality 81% of boomers wish they had started planning and building their retirement funds earlier 46% of boomers feel that they are not on track to saving enough for their retirement More than half of all Canadians feel that their state of personal finances is not strong enough to ensure a comfortable retirement Ispos Reid, RBC’s 20th annual RRSP poll shows, Canadian Securities Administrator
Unrealistic Dreams 20%+ of Canadians expect some type of inheritance in order to improve/support their future 11% of Canadians are betting that some of their retirement income will come from winning the lottery! Ispos Reid, RBC’s 20th annual RRSP poll shows, Canadian Securities Administrator
10 Years of Stock Market Investments If you averaged more than 3%-per-year returns on your investments, you are an above-average investor! A classic portfolio composed of 40% of Canadian bonds 60% stocks would have achieved an average annual return of only 4.4% over the past 10 years. Ian McGugan Financial Post March 2010