Waisting Away 2011, Hélène Charlebois, BSc, RD
Waisting Away 2012, Hélène Charlebois, BSc, RD
Canadian Obesity Map
Waisting Away 2011, Hélène Charlebois, BSc, RD
The Low GI Challenge Laura Kalina, Registered Dietitian Cheryl Christian, Certified Personal Trainer ©
Your clients will receive… Module #1: Uncovers the Why - The science behind Low GI Eating Module #2: Shop Smart and Save! Module #3: The Cooking and Meal Plan Module #4: Fitting In Fitness! Bonuses:Tips for Travel and Dining Out Low GI Entertaining made Easy!
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Exercise = Improved QOL Benefits Family time Outdoors in nature Bonding Stress relief Fun Better mood Focus Learning Endorphins Sleep Blood sugar control + cardio More energy PhysicalMental SpiritualEmotional
Fiber Viscosity (Brookfield RVT, C=1%, Y=30 Sec-1, Spindle ‘F’)
Waisting Away 2011, Hélène Charlebois, BSc, RD Bypass - 80 % ebw Iron, folic acid and B12 Take Vitamin C 500 mg with Iron 300 mg 1 to 3/day Calcium mg elemental calcium Liquid or tabs – Citrate is best No take more than 500 mg at a time Take even if 2-4 servings of dairy per day Vitamin D – make sure in Calcium Supp. At least 1000 IU/day Protein = calculate needs g per KG B12 over time – doc to assess