1 Use Cases and Scenarios Scenario 1. Get the passenger’s ticket or record locator 1. Locate the passenger’s reservation 2. Is this the right passenger, flight, and destination? 2. Ensure the passenger is correctly identified and connected to the right reservation. 3. Check the passport is valid and belongs to the passenger. 4. Record the frequent-flyer number to the reservation. 5. Find a seat. 6. Check the baggage onto the flight. 7. Get correct response to security questions. 8. Print and hand over the boarding pass and bag tags. 9. Wish the passenger a pleasant flight.
2 Business Use Case Scenario 1. Get the passenger’s ticket or record locator1. Locate the passenger’s reservation Is this the right passenger, flight, and destination? 2. Ensure the passenger is correctly identified and connected to the right reservation 3. Check the passport is valid and belongs to the passenger. 3. Check the passport is valid and belongs to the passenger. 4. Record the frequent-flyer number to the reservation. 5. Find a seat.5. Allocate a seat. 6. Check the baggage onto the flight. 7. Ask security questions.7. Get correct response to security questions. 8. Print and hand over the boarding pass and bag tags. 9. Wish the passenger a pleasant flight.
3 UML activity diagram showing the passenger checking in for a Flight (Mastering the Requirements Process – S. & J. Robertson) Missing Ask security question?
4 We have just covered the normal case scenario. We still need to consider the exception case and alternative case. The idea will be the same! As no one knows what is the data flow diagram (DFD), here is a short tutorial about DFD. Data-flow modelling – use DFD Tools: Data flowData dictionary Process External entity
5 Data flow diagrams The top level diagram is called context diagram It permits the developer to sketch the boundaries of the target system (to define the scope) The next level is called Level One DFD This level provides a functional overview!
6 3.1 Process name 3.2 Process name 3 Process name Process name Process name Process name How many levels? DFD – Numbering rules
7 Example: borrow book DFD done in class. Context diagram and Level One