El alfabeto español Lección Uno
Las vocales del español A(ahhh)casa house E (ehhh)libre free I (eeee)libre free O (ohhh)ocho eight U (oooo)su his *Y (eeee)y and * Makes sound of (oy) when paired with o (hoy today); sound of (oooeee) when paired with u (muy very).
El alfabeto español LetraNombreLetraNombreLetraNombre AAJJotaREre BBeKKaRrErre CCeLEleSEse (ch)Che(ll)ElleTTe DDeMEmeUU EENEneVVe, uve FEfeñEñeWDoble ve GGeOOXEquis HHachePPeYI griega IIQCuZzeta
Las consonantes del español B and V are pronounced exactly alike (weak b) (bien) When before e and i, and z, the letter c is pronounced like an ‘s’. (gracias) In all other configurations, it sounds like a k (casa). Ch is pronounced the same as in English (mucho) G (when before e and i) and j sound like an exaggerated ‘h’ (Jorge) All other ‘G’ configurations sound like ‘G’ in ‘Go’. (gracias) H is always silent (hombre) ‘LL’ is pronounced like the ‘y’ in ‘yes’ (llamo) ‘Ñ’ is pronounced like ‘ny’ in ‘Canyon’ (niño)
Las consonantes del español ‘Q’ is always written with ‘u’ and is pronounced as a ‘K’ (que) ‘R’ (except at beginning of word, or after ‘L’, ‘N’, or ‘S’) is prounced with a slight roll (gracias). All other ‘R’ sounds and ‘RR’ have a more exagerated rolling (rojo). ‘S’ is pronounced with a slight ‘hiss’ sound (gracias) ‘T’ is pronounced by placing tongue against back of upper front teeth (tiempo) ‘X’ has two sounds 1) before a consonant, rarely bewteen vowels- like ‘a hissed s’ as in sent (explorar) 2) between vowels- like a ‘weak g’ followed by a ‘hissed s’ (examen)