Building a Sustainable Region
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Structure of the GVRD 3.Sustainable Region Initiative (SRI) 4.Q&A Presented by: Jennie Moore, Strategic Initiatives Division Corporate Strategies Department Greater Vancouver Regional District
The Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Canada’s only unamalgamated major metro areaCanada’s only unamalgamated major metro area A municipal federation comprising 21 municipal members and one electoral areaA municipal federation comprising 21 municipal members and one electoral area
Greater Vancouver
GVRD – Who we are and what we do
Sustainable Region Initiative
‘3 by 3 by 3’ Approach 3 components of sustainability3 components of sustainability environmentalenvironmental economiceconomic socialsocial 3 time scales3 time scales short (projects)short (projects) medium (plans)medium (plans) long (visions)long (visions) 3 organizational scales3 organizational scales corporatecorporate regional governanceregional governance partnerpartner
1. Sustainability Based Organization Management commitment Staff engagement Sustainability Report
2. Regional Mandates New perspectives Turning ideas Into action Cooperative governance Looking ahead and doing it now
Turning Ideas Into Action
3. Building Partnerships 21 municipalities Other governments Private and civil sector Community outreach
“Taking Care of the Region Every Day” A partner in the S ustainable R egion I nitiative